Obama In Kenya: Photos of where Barack Obama’s GES 2015 team will spend a night

Kempinski hotel website

Obama In Kenya: US President Barack Obama will be in Kenya from the 24th-26th July 2015 to co-host the 4th GES summit. Villa Rosa Kempinski hotel will host a number pof Barack Obama’s team that has  accompanied him from the US to attend the Global entrepreneur summit.
Villa Rosa Kempinski hotel is positioned in the heart of Nairobi city. The Villa Rosa Kempinski hotel has 200 rooms and suites distributed throughout 10 floors, including a Premier Suite and a vast four bedroom Presidential Suite on the top floor.

Below are photos of  Villa Rosa Kempinski hotel look;
Kempinski hotel photo1Kempinski hotel photo2Kempinski hotel ohto3
Kempinski hotel
Kempinski hotel roomsKempinski hotel kenyaKempinski hotel environmentKempinski hotel website
Photo source:  Villa Rosa Kempinski

24th July 015: Photos of US president Barack Obama after arrival in Nairobi, Kenya

Obama Hugging his sister Auma Obama shortly after landing at JKIA, Kenya
Obama Hugging his sister Auma Obama shortly after landing at JKIA, Kenya
bama now having dinner with Family
Obama having dinner with Family members

25th July : Day 2 of Obama in Kenya

President Obama and Uhuru entering to open the GES2015
President Obama and Uhuru entering to open the GES2015
Obama inspecting a guard oh honor in Kenya
Obama inspecting a guard of  honor in Kenya

More photos of Obama in Kenya will be updated

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