5 Top Most Marketable Courses in Kenya

CPS Research Rankings of Universities in Kenya, 2017 Top 10 Institutions offering Arts, Science Courses

As much as it exciting to join college; it is also important to be wise in your career choice. There are very many popular courses and programs that are famous among young people, but most of them may not be as fruitful as they sound. It is therefore very important that before you choose a course, you do a thorough research on the prevalent wave in the job market.


Some of the most marketable courses may see flooded, but with the rapid growth in various sectors; opportunities keep increasing with each passing day.

To give you a hand in your research, here are 5 top most marketable courses in Kenya:

  1. Journalism and communication.

Whether in business, rural or urban areas, information is the driving force in our growing economy. Introduction of  social media marketing, technology and digitalization in most companies has triggered an increased demand for information experts. Most of this big companies wish to be part of the digital revolution and that interprets into increased employment opportunities.This course is very marketable for both undergraduates and Masters holders.

  1. Information Technology ( IT)

Technology has grown at a very rapid pace in a very short span of time. As a result of this, most companies and firms are recruiting technology experts to improve their operations. So this is definitely a course worth pursuing.

  1. Real Estate Management.

With most people opting to invest in real estate, this has triggered a rapid             growth in the sector. A lot of companies and businesses have and continue to be set up; and most of them are in dire need of real estate experts.

  1. Monitoring and Evaluation/Project Management

It is among the top most marketable courses in the country. If arranging data, resolving it and creating new projects is your forte, then this is a course worth paying some attention. There are immense opportunities if you undertake this course. Most of these chances are in big Non- governmental organizations ( NGOs); here you not only get paid handsomely but also get to interact with people  from different walks if life.


  1. Special Needs Education

Some few years back, this was a course that most people disregarded, while others knew nothing about it. However, in the recent past, there has been a rapid demand for special needs and sign language experts. This is as a result of the community’s will to embrace individuals with special needs.

Opportunities in this field are immense as they are available in all sectors such as NGOs, Television Networks, banks and many more.


In conclusion, when choosing a career a lot of factors should be put into place. The decision should not be irrational as it can have repercussions; so thoroughly scrutinize and screen your options before you finally settle for what suits you best.

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2 responses

  1. i desire updates on the trends of the fields in monitoring and evaluation, data science and IT

  2. monitoring and evaluation, data science and IT

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