TSC Circular on the implementation of the performance contact and TPAD

TSC Circular on the implementation of the performance contact and TPAD

TSC Circular on the implementation of the performance contact (PC) and Teacher Performance Appraisal and Development (TPAD) at the institutional level, 2017.

TSC Circular on the implementation of the performance contact and TPAD
TSC Circular on the implementation of the performance contact and Teacher Performance Appraisal and Development (TPAD)/Photo



Official TSC Circular

To: All Heads of Institutions All Principals; National Polytechnics; All Principals, Technical Training Institutes; All Principals, Institutes of Science and Technology; All Principals, Diploma Teacher Colleges; All Principals, Primary Teacher Training Colleges; All Principals, Secondary Schools; All Headteachers, Primary Schools; The Director, CEMASTEA; and  The Director, Kenya Institute of Special Education .



In January 2016 the Commission introduced Performance Contracting (PC) for Heads of Institution and Teacher Performance Appraisal and Development (TPAD) for teachers. This is intended to strengthen curriculum implementation and accountability in the utilization of resources in order to improve learning outcomes.

So far, remarkable achievements have been realized in the implementation of PC and TPAD. In particular, performance management has resulted in the following gains among others;
Increased compliance with financial management requirements;

  • Improved school and lesson attendance by teachers;
  • Preparation and use of schemes of work;
  • Lesson plans and lesson notes;
  • Maintenance of learners’ progress records and;
  • an overall improved curriculum delivery.


As the first line Quality Assurance Officers, Heads of Institution have contributed significantly in the achievements so far recorded through close supervision, professional guidance and adherence to set guidelines.

In order to further build on the current success in implementation of PC and TPAD, Heads of Institution are required to undertake the following:


  1. Assess and evaluate teachers’ performance strictly on the basis of evidence presented during the appraisal process.
  2. Plan for lesson observation for every teacher in a term and document the same as provided for in TPAD process.
  3. Prepare a professional development plan to address identified performance gaps by teachers in the institution and offer professional support to teachers.
  4. Hold meetings to plan for TPAD activities to be carried out within the term which should be recorded in the TPAD calendar of activities. The calendar should help in ensuring all set deadlines are met.
  5. Analyze lesson attendance throughout the term in order to optimize on teacher-learner contact hours. A make-up schedule for all the missed lessons should be documented and the actual day the lessons are taught recorded.
  6. Make monthly, termly and annual reports on PC to the County Directors backed by evidence of implementation. The reports should also be presented to the Boards of Management (BOMs) at the appropriate time.
  7. Provide timely feedback to teachers on their progress and areas of further improvement.
  8. Continuously supervise, monitor and evaluate implementation of PC and TPAD in line with the role of Heads of Institution as lead educators in learning institutions
  9. Safeguard passwords. Heads should never share passwords or delegate appraisal and performance contracting duties and responsibilities to other individuals. This is crucial for the protection of the integrity of the PC and TPAD process.

The Commission appreciates the role played by Heads of Institution in implementation of policies and programmes for improving the quality of teaching in public learning institutions. All the necessary support will, therefore, be provided to ensure success in implementation of PC and TPAD.

Signed By Nancy  Njeri Macharia


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