Top 10 universities in Kenya according to new 2015 web Rankings

top university rankings in kenya
Top 10 universities in Kenya according to new 2015 web Rankings:

It is December 2015 the last month off the year,  and we have compiled a list of the top 10 most performing  university websites in Kenya. has been doing this on a monthly  basis in 2015 owing to the fact that University websites are becoming an important part of academics in this era. Alexa is our main source of data collection.
Alexa .com is an amazon company that  ranks website by collecting data  of their  daily global traffic/unique visitors. The web  metrics collected are extracted from over 25,000 browser extensions, search engines like Google, Yahoo, Bing, Ask, Aol, Mywebsearch, DuckDuckGo, and Inbound  link from top websites like Wikipedia, Amazon e.t.c.
Other  organizations that rank universities by taking into consideration of their web traffic data include  4 International Colleges and Universities (4icu), QS  world university rankings  and Webometrics Ranking.  However, Webometrics ranking  remains the most reputable of all web rankings.




Compared to last month’s alexa rankings. Moi University has dropped out of the top ten position although it appears in the top 15. University of Nairobi has risen to number one from position two last month. Kenya Methodist University has shown a significant improvement on its web rankings due to enhancement of its online services.




Our next ranking will be on January and the  2016 January Intakes will play a critical role on how the websites will perform but below are December’s rankings




  1. University of Nairobi-
  2. Mount Kenya University-
  3. Kenyatta University-
  4. Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology-
  5. Kenya Methodist University-
  6. Strathmore University-
  7. United States International University-
  8. Technical University of Kenya-
  9. Maseno University-
  10. KCA University-


What can  Kenyan universities do to improve their web rankings and compete with international universities which rank much higher ? Alot needs to be done but the summary of it is that higher institutions of learning in Kenya should consider moving most of their services online (Online Library, Online application for admission/intakes, online exams results, online classes, online submission of assignments, online consultation, online student forums/portale.t.c)


Note that  alexa webrankings and any other  related web rankings  however important they are, do not consider key factors of selecting which university to join for studies like physical infrastructure, research facilities and quality of education offered by the institution.

This article was researched and compiled by Kenyayote Team and sponsored by LaptopKenya

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