Balancing studies and Work: It’s actually possible but most people think otherwise. The question is; what at all will make people stress themselves by combining academic work and a full-time job? Maybe it’s passion and not all about the money. Well, even if it’s about the money, there might be genuine reasons. WealthBankers Job Arena offers such opportunities.

Tips on How to Maintain Your Full-Time Job Even when in School
- Do not lie to your management at your interview. Tell them the truth that you are a student but when given the chance, you can contribute immensely towards the growth of the company.
- After you’ve been employed, build a cordial relationship with your boss or manager. Try to be friendly at work especially with your boss. This way, when you have pressing issues, you can be able to approach and discuss with him/her.
- Again, do not forget to go the extra mile to help your manager or leader achieve the goals and targets set for the organization. You can work extra hours just to ensure all deadlines are met. You can offer to help others who are unable to complete their work on time.
- Be punctual at work and avoid giving so many excuses. Apart from very urgent and pressing issues that require that you attend to them, don’t seek permission to do unnecessary things. Try to always be at work and on time. Don’t forget that your boss is looking at everything you’re doing but might not complain about your shortcomings because certain things are better kept than untold.
- The way you approach other staff also counts. Smile at everyone and hold grudges with none. Also, treat everyone with respect. How you bond with the other staff can go a long way to determine whether you must be maintained or not.
- Be proactive and try to give possible ideas to solve problems faced by the organisation. Try to leave an indelible mark so that your absence can always be felt when you are away. Your creativity is also a powerful tool so learn to be creative too.
- Now, when school reopens, approach your boss with a time table of your selected courses and ask your boss when you can go to school. He or she is wise enough to let you go when studies start. Don’t just tell them when you want to leave. You might be asked to work from school with a lower work load as compared to when school hadn’t reopened.
- When given a date to leave for school, make sure to submit all necessary documents belonging to the organization and complete all tasks before leaving.
Blending Your Academic Work with Your Full-Time Job
- Prepare your time table and fix in work schedules when there is no lecture.
- Attend all your lectures and pay attention in order to understand whatever will be taught. This way, you wouldn’t be faced with the difficulty of understanding later.
- Don’t leave any room for unproductive activities like all night parties and other distractive activities. It is said that all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy but in this generation, all work and just enough play makes Jack a genius!
- Your presence is not needed at every function. You can attend societal meetings but choose which one to attend so that you can have time for both your academics and the full-time job.
After reading this write-up, if you’ve been encouraged and now have intentions of working and schooling at the same time, then I wish you all the best in your pursuit. It wouldn’t be easy but trust me, it would be worth it.
This post was shared by Aseda Yeboah Outreach Manager, WealthBankers Job Arena
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