How to take care of your new laptop: Usage Tips to make it last longer

How to take care of your new laptop, Usage Tips to make it last longer

Taking care of your laptop: Below are laptop usage, maintenance and storage tips that i have compiled that will make you PC last longer with ease.

How to take care of your new laptop, Usage Tips to make it last longer
How to take care of your new laptop, Usage Tips to make it last longer/Photo

Disk clean up

Your laptop may have information stored in it that you might not need,this is why you may want to clean up the disk once in a while. A laptop may start functioning slowly and poorly if it has lots of unnecessary information stored in it.Therefore, take time to create space in your machine by removing those items. If you find any difficulty in cleaning up your laptop disk, seek help from an IT expert.

Storing properly

Laptops shouldn’t be placed in dusty places. Dust damages a laptop’s operating system. Once in a while a blow drier should be used to blow away dust that might have gotten into the laptop.

Using a suitable bag

A laptop should be carried in a good bag when you have to move with it from one place to another. Avoid carrying your laptop in your hands.

Charging tips

Don’t charge while watching. Charging while watching reduces the life of your laptop battery.


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