Student leader risks impeachment for skipping HELB protest

Technical University of Mombasa student organization chair Ocharo Desmond is under fire from students for deliberately avoiding to take part in an organized student demonstration to demand for the disbursement of HELB loans on 22rd September 2015. Aggrieved students have termed Ocharo a betrayal and coward who cannot stand with students during the time of need.


Ocharo however came on social media to defend himself and here is what he had to say “The government has denied us permit, but luckily money is being disbursed as we speak, do not demonstrate, go back to campus and persue ua dreams in peace.‪ #‎Got delayed in pursuit of the same


Here is what some of the students had to say;



Benmark Nganga


The most Honorable thing Governor Ocharo Ondieki could do for TUM comrades as early as last week is to resign or resign and apologize for utter betrayal to the hard fought for Comradeship. If you can’t lead head on and risk your Life, Health, girlfriend(s), Money and Education for Comrades then you have no business whatsoever in being ‘A University Student Leader.’ I still insist that the little opportunity given to a monkey to wear a trouser does not, shall never or can’t guarantee it to join the dining table.


Eng Ronald Muma


We have been too silent until our silence has been taken for cowardice, if the tumso boss one Governor Ocharo Ondieki can’t live to his mandate, I want to state it here clearly, it’s either you serve comrades or u step a side. U don’t meet the threshold to be the president of this noble institution. Going to bed with the admin at the expense of poor comrades, is a sin that can never be forgiven. It’s either u work for us comrades n us only or pave way. Rather still impeachment will be the next option. ‪#‎kalongolongo time is over. The honey moon is long overdue



Njimia Muchiri


If Ocharo can’t lead comrades to what they want let him resign and get a job at TUM admin, he signed for fees increase, he is against all Comrades moves, let the admin give him a job, let him leave comrades Power alone, this is totally insanity.. We can’t accept.


Josphat Kitheka


After impeaching Ocharo we shall file a case at court to make sure that he returns the 395 k cash he stole when comrades were away meant for freshas night, the total budget was 400 k and only 5 k for photocopying and tuk  were used, Ocharo is a thief, report to the nearest police station incase you spot him.


Odhis AL Marwa

Governor Ocharo Ondieki Calo Calo Dennis Oseko Snr Cyrus King Nderitu Nyang’or Hillary have fully confirmed their stupid stump and wilted cowardice minds. They are coward by default. R.I.P 2015-2016 TUMSO

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