SRC call for job evaluation exercise for all institutions

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The mandate of the Salaries and Remuneration Commissionas provided in Article 230 of the Constitution of Kenya 2010 is to:
(a) Set and regularly review the remuneration and benefits of all State officers; and
(b) Advise the national and county governments on the remuneration and benefits of all
other public officers.
As part of undertaking its mandate, the Commission is currently carrying out a job evaluation exercise for the entire public service. Owing to the size and complexity of the public service, and the need to ensure that the desired results are achieved, SRC has grouped the public sector into seven (7) clusters as follows:
(i) Civil Service with (18) institutions;
(ii) Service and Regulatory State Corporations with (55) institutions;
(iii) Commercial State Corporations with (87) institutions;
(iv) Research Institutions, Public Universities and Tertiary Education Institutions with
(45) institutions;
(v) Constitutional Commissions, Independent Offices and the Teaching Service with (17)institutions;
(vi) Disciplined Services with (7) institutions; and the
(vii) County Government with (47) counties.
The job evaluation exercise is ongoing for all the sectors except the Research institutions, Public universities &Tertiary education institutions; and the Disciplined services.
Given the need to have a rationalised defensive and justifiable grading structure for all jobs
in the Public Service, it is important for all public service institutions to participate. IF YOUR INSTITUTION HAS NOT BEEN CONTACTED SO FAR, AND IS NOT AMONG ANY OF THE SEVEN LISTED CLUSTERS ABOVE, URGENTLY CONTACT SRC BY 15TH OCTOBER, 2015.
You can write/ email or call to arrange for a meeting
Salaries and Remuneration Commission
P.O Box 43126-00100
(020) 2710071/73

Source: Salaries and Remuneration Commission 28th September 2015 Press Release.

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