Learn on some of the recommended foods by medical practitioners that you should eat and avoid in order to reduce stomach ulcers.
If you have ulcers, you might be familiar with the symptoms which include gnawing pain below your chest popularly known as heartburn. Some even go to the extent of experiencing nausea and vomiting and in worse case scenarios, blood in stool or in vomitus. That happens because your duodenum or stomach has ulcers that when in contact with the stomach acids or acid from certain foods, become irritated hence pain.
Avoid some fruits
Your symptoms could be exacerbated by eating foods that contain acids such as citrus fruits or some vegetables such as kales. You can get rid of that pain by simply avoiding them.
Avoid some pain killers
When you experience pain, don’t get in the habit of buying over the counter pain killers. There are a group of painkillers called analgesics that when used excessively could cause or increase your pain. A good example is Brufen.
Good news is, you can manage your ulcers by checking your diet. How easier can it get?
You are probably wondering what foods to eat if your favorites cause pain.
Eat Fruits like Apples
You are advised to eat small frequent meals because your stomach, when empty will produce hydrochloric acid which will corrode you stomach walls hence ulcers.
The frequent meals will include foods such as apples, berries, carrots, broccoli, garlic and cabbage. Apples particularly contain flavonoids which is helpful in ulcer healing.
Cabbage contains s-methyl methionine which is helpful in ulcer healing.
You can also have milk which is basic hence neutralizing you stomachs acidity.
While at it, don’t forget to maximize your daily nutritional requirement. You can still have your carbohydrates, proteins and vegetables, being careful to avoid anything that will cause hyperacidity.
Do not forget to drink enough water. It is important for your digestive processes.
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