Process of University Inter Course Transfer, Deferment of admission, Change of Faculty

Process of University Inter Course Transfer, Deferment of admission, Change of Faculty

Most of you must by now have received your admission letters and if not, they will be available to you. You may want to transfer or change that course KUCCPS placed you or may want to defer your studies because you are ill/sick or you lack school fee.  Below is guide on how to go about it.

Process of University Inter Course Transfer, Deferment of admission, Change of Faculty
Process of University Inter Course Transfer, Deferment of admission, Change of Faculty/Photo

How to defer admission  to University

A candidate for any reason may not be able to be admitted during the stated date due to illness, lack of fee, pregnancy e.t.c . Such candidate will be required to visit the University’s Academic Registrar and fill a study deferment form  or write directly to the academic registrar.
It is important that any candidate wishing to defer studies does this before the admission period lapses. The best time is during the first week of admission. Ensure that you have received an official  letter of deferment of admission from the  University Academic Registrar.

If you fail to  notify the University academic Registrar of your  deferment of admission  then you will be deemed to have forfeited/ignored your position and will be de-registered from the course admitted to.

Inter- Faculty Transfer or Course change
Inter  course transfers are normally processed within the first two weeks of the first semester of admission. Students should note that transfers can only be successful if there is a vacant position and if the student meets the required admission criteria for the particular course. Students should also note that merit is used as a criteria for transfer and that all applicants to a particular course will be ranked in order of merit and will be allocated the vacant position on merit.

Any student wishing to change his course will be required to fill the inter-faculty transfer application form which is available at the Admission Office of respective university. Note that the form must be completed and returned within the stipulated time.
Ensure that you have confirmed that you meet the requirements of the course that you want to transfer to increase you chances of being successful. If your transfer is successful you will receive a notification and official letter of transfer from the Academic Registrar.

It is not a guarantee that once you apply for inter course transfer you will be successful. The inter-faculty transfers are subject to approval by the  Dean’s Committee/senate and that once the transfers have been approved the exercise is closed and no late applications or appeals will be considered.

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6 responses

  1. what if you want to change he course in the middle of the semester?

  2. kiptoo mark Avatar
    kiptoo mark

    what if I meet all the requirements as far as bachelor if education science is concern bt the cluster points are below the required?

    1. You must meet all the requirements even cluster points.

  3. Geoffrey Mangera Avatar
    Geoffrey Mangera

    Do you still consider kuccps cluster points during changing of courses or you create your own points?

  4. Clinton Odhiambo Adero Avatar
    Clinton Odhiambo Adero

    what if the applicant is not successful in his course transfer?

  5. Winnie Wangari Avatar
    Winnie Wangari

    What if there is no vacant space left in the course you want to transfer to. What will happen?

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