President Uhuru Kenyatta warns Babu Owino on Barack Obama university tour demands

president uhuru kenyatta to babu owino

About a week ago, a letter to Barack Obama went viral in the social media. The letter is said to have been drafted by University of Nairobi student organization chair Babu Owino. In the letter, Babu Owino states that some university of Nairobi students will commit suicide and others urinate on a tree planted by Barac Obama if the US president does not visit University of Nairobi. READ LETTER BELOWBabu owno letter to barack obama
While addressing a group of business partners and investors, President Uhuru kenyatta  reacted angrily to Babu Owinio’s demands. According to citizen tv video below  “president uhuru  Kenyatta termed Babu Owino’s letter as nonsensical  and said that if President Barack Obama wants to visit a University in Kenya, he should go to any university and not necessarily the University of Nairobi.

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