Political forces behind Raila Odingas Baringo visit cancellation

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(Philip Etale: Rt. Hon @RailaOdinga’s tour to Baringo scheduled for tomorrow has been postponed to a later date. We regret the inconvenience).

Gideon Moi

OPINION: When news emerged that Rt. Prime Raila Odinga was planning to tour Baringo, a cold war of words had already started. ODM representatives in Baringo County had begun tearing each other apart before his arrival. Party conflict in the region had been forseen. Perharps, it could go the Magerer Langat way.
There are very minimal chances that Raila will be touring  Baringo any time soon for reasons below.
First thing, whether Raila or any other CORD person who is  to vie for presidency in 2017, he or she will need to see Gideon Moi/Isaac Ruto on the ballot box as presidential aspirants.  That is the only way of killing Tyranny of numbers.
Raila’s tour to baringo could have awaken the now sleeping barking dogs. They could have banked on it to criticize Gideon Moi and affiliate him to Raila thus Killing him politicaly. The death of Gideon Moi or Isaac Ruto politicaly would have a great positive impact to JAP  and  negative impact to CORD.
That is why you will always see Jubilee fanatics like Murkomen using every opportunity at hand to associate Bomet governor Isaac Ruto to Raila inorder to drawn him. This does not mean anybody  who associates with Raila risks drawning but Kalenjins are moved by ethnic political waves.
At this stage in time, the biggest political crime that any jubilee politician can do is to associate him or herself  with Raila.  That is why Isaac Ruto had no otherwise but join Gideon Moi  to avoid being drawned by William Ruto’s sycophants.
It is also alleged that Raila Odinga’s Baringo County visit was cancelled because Kipchoim had spread propaganda against his visit to incite area residents against the opposition leader.

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