How to monitor your child’s progress in school

How to monitor your child's progress in school

Studies have shown that children with parents who actively involve themselves in the welfare of their child’s education have higher academic success. Since it is the wish of every parent to see their child perform well in school, it is important that they get involved in guiding them to achieve academic success rather than leave all the work to the teacher. How can you as a parent help your child to succeed in school? Below are 4 helpful tips that will guide you.

How to monitor your child's progress in school
How to monitor your child’s progress in school/Photo

Attend school functions
Always make sure you attend school activities that require your presence in the school for example academic days, parent teacher association meetings and other functions that will give you the opportunity to meet with your child’s teachers personally and discuss their academic development. This is more efficient compared to relying on end of term report cards and assignment grades to monitor your child’s progress.
Keep in touch with your child’s teacher
Communicating with the teacher is key in monitoring your child’s progress. The teacher will be able to provide you with information on the behavior of your child at school, their class attendance and how committed your child is to schoolwork. The teacher will also advise you whether your child needs help with their study at home and what study materials to buy for them.
Check your child’s assignments
As a parent you should ensure that you always inspect the various Tests, assignments and quizzes given to your child as homework. This will assist you in knowing if your child completes tasks assigned to them in school and in what areas they may be having problems.
Talk to your child
Shows interest in your child’s progress, encourage them and Talk about their schoolwork related problems. Making this a habit will help your children see that you are concerned about them and that you are there to offer them support.
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