Moi university law students to go on hunger strike

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The tactics of demonstration in campus seem to be evolving. And for this learned friends in the school of law moi university hunger strike is their next approach of expressing their disatisfaction with the way learning programmes are conducted. We spoke  with school of law student organization chairlady Elizeba Jepleting and this what she had to say;


Kenyayote: We are informed that you want to go on hunger strike. Is it true?

Elizeba Jepleting:  It is true.

Kenyayote: why?

Elizeba Jepleting: We opened school on 16th of March and up to this date we’ve not been taught. Same thing happened last semester the whole of September.

Kenyayote: When are you planning to go on hunger strike?

Elizeba Jepleting: We had planned to do so on Wednesday  but we’ve rescheduled for tomorrow after a rumour went round that  school had been closed indefinitely.

Kenyayote: Why did you opt for hunger strike instead of the normal demos?

Elizeba Jepleting: We had the normal one last year and a good number of students were arrested and some injured  by police officers  but we are not rulling out the demos,we can still do it if tomorrow’s  hunger strike will not bore fruits

Kenyayote: Thank you for your time Elizeba Jepleting.

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