Mercy Kandie profile and stories covered

Mercy Kandie was born and grew up in Eldoret, Rift Valley, Kenya. He graduated with a Bachelor of Science in communication and public relations degree from Moi University Main campus. She works as a Kenya Television Network-KTN North Rift Reporter.

UPDATE: Mercy Kandie moved to Citizen TV and then to BBC.

Mercy Kandie on Social Network

Some of the stories covered by KTN Reporter Mercy Kandie (check back for more stories)

  1.  Seeking Peace in Pokot: How the Pokot and Marakwet use cultural laws to bring peace. The story aired on KTN prime on 24/5/2015 (watch here)
  2. Lightning Clan: Claims of Kapchebugus Clan who believe in the existence of a  lightning family story aired on KTN prime 23/5/2015 (Watch here)
  3. Adepan’gole the Reformed cattle rustler in East Pokot: story aired on 5/20/2015 at KTN PRIME
  4. The painful Wait: A cancer story reporter ted by Mercy Kandie
  5. Meshack Yebei Body: Is a story about  the missing body of  ICC witness Meshack Yebei
mercy kandie ktn reporter
Mercy Kandie in the village

Check back for more videos of stories covered by Mercy Kandie.  We are in the process of creating  Mercy Kandie’s video library.

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