List of universities offering unaccredited and accredited law courses

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Below is a press notice released on Wednesday 30th September 2015, by the The council of legal education on institutions accreditation status.

Under the Legal Education Act, No. 27 of 2012, the Council of Legal Education (Accreditation of Legal Education Institutions) Regulations 2009, and Council of Legal Education Quality Standards, the Council of Legal Education wishes to NOTIFY the General Public that the institutions named hereunder have the legal status mentioned in the corresponding column. Any institution purporting to provide legal education which is not hereunder mentioned has no legal standing with the Council of Legal Education and is therefore not authorised to provide legal education in Kenya.
a) Fully Accredited Institutions
1. Kisii University School of Law-Licence due to expire on 2nd October, 2016
b) Provisional Accreditation
(Where an institution has applied for full accreditation status, provisional accreditation is extended until Council has made a determination either to accredit or reject the application.)

1. Nairobi Institute of Business Studies-Applied for full accreditation
2. Kenya School of Law-Applied for full accreditation
3. Mt. Kenya University-In the final year/winding up
4. Inoorero University School of Law-Wound up
a) Fully Accredited Institutions
(Accreditation lasts for a period of four years and is renewable on re-application and evaluation)
1. African Nazarene University School of Law-Licence valid until 29th May, 2019
2. Kenyatta University School of Law- Licence valid until 29th February, 2016
3. Kisii University School of Law-Licence valid until 2nd October, 2016
4. Riara University School of Law-Licence valid until 5th July, 2016
5. Strathmore University School of Law-Licence valid until 8th March, 2016
6. University of Nairobi School of Law, Parklands Campus-Licence valid until 7th August, 2019
7. Kabarak University-Licence valid 8th September, 2020
b) Provisional Accreditation
(Where an institution has applied for full accreditation status, provisional accreditation is extended until Council has made a determination either to accredit or reject the application.)
1. Jomo Kenyatta University of Science & Technology School of Law, Karen Campus-Applied for full accreditation
2. Mt. Kenya University-Applied for full accreditation
c) Unaccredited Institutions


1. University of Nairobi, Kisumu Campus-Institution has applied for full accreditation, but many corrective actions identified at audit level. No new admissions with effect from 2015/2016. Institution required to teach out the current students.
2. University of Nairobi, Mombasa Campus-Application for accreditation rejected. Institution given six (6) months to take Corrective action effective 21st August, 2015. No new cohort of students should be admitted for 2015/16 and other subsequent years.
3. Moi University-Application for accreditation rejected. University required to provide
corrective action/closure plan by 23rd November, 2015
4. Catholic University of Eastern Africa-Application for accreditation rejected. University required to provide corrective action/closure plan by 8th November, 2015
5. Jaramogi Oginga Odinga-University of Science & Technology Application for full accreditation rejected. Institution rejected as a legal education provider.
a) Provisional Accreditation
(Where an institution has applied for full accreditation status, provisional accreditation is extended until Council has made a determination either to accredit or reject the application.)
• University of Nairobi, Parklands Campus
b) Suspended
• Moi University – (Suspended on 20th February, 2015)) Ph.D
a) Provisional Accreditation
(Where an institution has applied for full accreditation status, provisional accreditation is extended until Council has made a determination either to accredit or reject the application.)
• University of Nairobi, Parklands Campus
a) Provisional Accreditation
(Where an institution has applied for full accreditation status, provisional accreditation is extended until Council has made a determination either to accredit or reject the application.)

1. Kenya School of Law-Applied for full accreditation
b) Provisional Accreditation
(Where an institution has applied for full accreditation status, provisional accreditation is extended until Council has made a determination either to accredit or reject the application.)

1. Kenya School of Law-Applied for full accreditation
On the basis of prior evaluation of the facilities and resources available at the following institutions, the Council of Legal Education declined to recognize legal education qualifications from these institutions:-
i) Busoga University (Uganda) (October, 2012)
ii) Uganda Pentecostal University (Uganda) (19th March, 2013)

unaccreddited law degree programmes

Signed by 

Prof. W. Kulundu-Bitonye, EBS

You can also read: Kaimenyi’s hand in disapproval of courses in public universities

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