List of Approved Technical Training Institutes in Kenya by TVETA

approved Technical Training Institutes in Kenya

Below List of Approved Technical Training Institutes in Kenya: Technical Vocational education and Training Authority (TVETA)  board has begun the process of closing down all Training Institutes in Kenya that are operating illegally.

TVETA CEO indicated that many unaccredited Training Institutes in Kenya have begun admitting students ahead of the upcoming intake which has prompted the board to begin the process.

Government-sponsored students who want to study in any of the TVET listed below can apply through KUCCPS. Institutions indicated as recommended are the best in their categories.

Find below a list of Approved Technical Training Institutes in Kenya

  1. Kenya Institute of Mass Communication
  2. Kisumu Polytechnic
  3. Rift Valley Institute of Business Studies (RVIBS) (Recommended) 
  4. Nairobi Institute Of Business Studies (NIBS) (Recommended)
  5. Thika Technical Training Institute
  6. Kenya Coast Polytechnic
  7. Eldoret Polytechnic (Recommended)
  8. Kenya Industrial Training Institute
  9. Bureti Technical Training Institute (Recommended)
  10. Kenya Institute of Highways and Building Technology (Recommended)
  11. Kenya School of Agriculture
  12. Kenya School of Revenue Administration
  13. Kenya Technical Trainers College
  14. Kisii National Polytechnic (Recommended)
  15. Kabete National Polytechnic (Recommended)
  16. Ahmed Shahame Mwidani Technical Training Institute
  17. Aldai Technical Training Institute
  18. Bahati Institute of business and administration Studies
  19. Baringo Technical College
  20. Belgut Technical and Vocational College
  21. Bondo Technical Training Institute
  22. Borabu Technical and Vocational College
  23. Bukura Agricultural College
  24. Bumbe Technical Training Institute
  25. Bungoma North Technical and Vocational College
  26. Bunyala Technical and Vocational College
  27. Bushiangala Technical Training Institute
  28. Butere Technical and Vocational College
  29. Center for Tourism Training and Research
  30. Chamasiri Technical and Vocational College
  31. Chepsirei Technical and Vocational College
  32. Chuka Technical and Vocational College
  33. Coast Institute of Technology
  34. David M Wambuli Technical Vocational College
  35. East African School of Aviation
  36. Ebukanga Technical and Vocational College
  37. Ekerubo gietai technical training institute
  38. Eldama Ravine Technical and Vocational College
  39. Emining Technical Training institute
  40. Emsos Technical Training Institute
  41. Emurua dikirr Technical Training Institute
  42. Endebess Technical Training Institute
  43. Friends College Kaimosi
  44. Gatanda Technical and Vocational College
  45. Gatundu south Technical and Vocational College
  46. Gitwebe Technical Training Institute
  47. Godoma Technical Training Institute
  48. Kaelo Technical Training Institute
  49. Kagumo Teachers Training College
  50. Kaiboi Technical Training Institute
  51. Kajiado West Technical and Vocational College
  52. Kapcherop Technical and Vocational
  53. Karen Technical Training Institute for The Deaf
  54. Karumo Technical Training Institute
  55. Kasarani Technical and Vocational College
  56. Katine Technical Training Institute
  57. Kendege Technical and Vocational College:
  58. Kenya Forestry College
  59. Kenya Water Institute
  60. Kenya Wildlife Service Training Institute
  61. Kericho Township Technical and Vocational college
  62. Keroka Technical Training Institute
  63. Kiambu Institute of Science and Technology
  64. Kibabii diploma Teachers Training College
  65. Kieni Technical and Vocational College
  66. Kiirua Technical Training Institute:
  67. Kimasiani Technical and Vocational College
  68. Kiminini Technical and Vocational College
  69. Kinango Technical and Vocational College
  70. Kinangop Technical and Vocational College
  71. Kipipiri Technical and vocational College
  72. Kipkabus Technical and Vocational College
  73. Kipsinende Technical and Vocational College
  74. Kipsoen Technical and Vocational College
  75. Kiptaragon Technical and Vocational College
  76. Kisiwa Technical Training Institute
  77. Kitale National Polytechnic
  78. Kongoni Technical and Vocational College
  79. Koshin Technical Training Institute
  80. Laikipia East Technical and Vocational College
  81. Laikipia North Technical and Vocational College
  82. Laisamis Technical and Vocational College
  83. Lari Technical and Vocational College
  84. Lodwar Technical and Vocational College
  85. Lugari Diploma Teachers Training College
  86. Maasai Mara Technical Vocational College
  87. Mabera Technical and Vocational College
  88. Machakos Technical Institute for The Blind
  89. Mandera Technical Training Institute
  90. Masai Technical Training Institute
  91. Masinga Technical and Vocational College
  92. Mathenge Technical Training Institute
  93. Mathioya Technical Vocational College
  94. Mathira Technical and Vocational College
  95. Matili Technical Training Institute
  96. Mawego Technical Training Institute
  97. Meru National Polytechnic
  98. Michuki Technical Training Institute
  99. Mitunguu Technical Training Institute
  100. Mochoi Technical and Vocational College
  101. Moiben Technical Vocational College
  102. Mukiria Technical Training Institute
  103. Mukurweini Technical Training Institute
  104. Mumias West Technical Vocational College
  105. Muraga Technical and Vocational College
  106. Musakasa Technical Training Institute
  107. Nachu Technical and Vocational College
  108. Nairobi Technical Training Institute
  109. Naivasha Technical and Vocational College
  110. Ndia Technical and Vocational College
  111. Ngong Technical and Vocational College
  112. Nkabune Technical Training Institute
  113. North Eastern National Polytechnic
  114. Nuu Technical and Vocational College
  115. Nyakach Technical and Vocational College
  116. Nyandarua Institute of Science and Technology
  117. Okame Technical and Vocational College
  118. Ol’lessos Technical Training Institute
  119. Omuga Technical and Vocational College
  120. PC Kinyanjui Technical Training Institute
  121. Railway Training Institute
  122. Ramogi Institute of Advance Technology
  123. Rangwe Technical and Vocational College
  124. Regional Center for Mapping of Resource for Development
  125. Rift Valley Institute of Science and Technology
  126. Rift Valley Technical Training Institute
  127. Riragia Technical Trainig Institute
  128. Runyenjes Technical and Vocational College
  129. Rwika Technical Institute
  130. Sabatia Technical and Vocational College
  131. Samburu Technical and Vocational College
  132. Sang’alo Institute of Science and Technology
  133. Seme Technical and Vocational College
  134. Shamberere Technical Training Institute
  135. Siala Technical Training Institute
  136. Siaya Institute of Technology
  137. Sigalagala National Polytechnic
  138. Sikri Technical Training Institute for The Blind and Deaf
  139. Sot Technical Training Institute
  140. Sotik Technical Training Institute
  141. ST Joseph’s Technical Institute for the Deaf Nyang’oma
  142. Taveta Technical and Vocational College
  143. Tetu Technical and Vocational College
  144. Tharaka Technical and Vocational College
  145. Tindiret Technical and Vocational College
  146. Total Technical and Vocational College
  147. Tseikuru Technical Training Institute
  148. Turkan East Technical and Vocational College
  149. Ugenya Technical and Vocational College
  150. Ugunja Technical and Vocational College
  151. Webuye West Technical and Vocational College
  152. Weru Technical and Vocational College
  153. Wote Technical Training Institute
  154. Ziwa Technical Training Institute

Above is a verified list of approved Technical Training Institutes in Kenya by the Technical Vocational education and Training Authority (TVETA). Be aware of fake  Technical Training Institutes in Kenya.

Check a complete list of more than 2000 licensed TVET institutions in Kenya and their contacts.

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10 responses

  1. Augustine kapkitong Avatar
    Augustine kapkitong

    What of eldoret technical training institute

  2. David okoth Avatar
    David okoth

    Good information for us members of the public.

  3. Bravin Wekesa Avatar
    Bravin Wekesa

    why KIPS has not been listed?

  4. Fidelis Sanya Avatar
    Fidelis Sanya

    Hi..! I am employed yet with no academic papers, is there a way I can accure them through a short course?

    1. The duration of a course does not differ according to individual circumstances. You can enroll in a short course if it is being offered as a short course.

  5. Mose Nyabera Joel Avatar
    Mose Nyabera Joel

    Hi’ this is mose nyabera joel, a student at Nita Athi River Machakos. I would like to know weather its approved by the government since its National Industrial Training Authority (NITA)

  6. Fredrick sangura Avatar
    Fredrick sangura

    Kuna somo naesa somea kwa sababu CS niliget D-



    I can try to learn up to degree

  8. Moses Wasena Avatar
    Moses Wasena

    Can I train a diploma in technical education in a technical institute?

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