KNUT SG Wilson Sossion: 2-6-6-3 Curriculum (CBC) implementation was hurried

KNUT Secretary General Wilson Sossion opposes implementation of 2-6-6-3 Curriculum, CBC

KNUT Secretary General Wilson Sossion on 19th March 2019 issued a press statement asking the government to halt the implementation of the, 2-6-6-3 (2-6-3-3-3) Competency Based Curriculum (CBC).

KNUT Secretary General Wilson Sossion opposes implementation of 2-6-6-3 Curriculum, CBC
KNUT Secretary General Wilson Sossion opposes implementation of Competency Based Curriculum (CBC), 2-6-6-3 system of learning in hurry/Photo

Why Wilson Sossion wants CBC implementation should stop

In his statement,  Wilson Sossion argues that the implementation of the Competency Based Curriculum (2-6-6-3 system of learning) was made hurriedly without teacher training and involvement. Sossion goes further to argue that teachers have no knowledge of how the new curriculum works and are being pushed to accept implementing it by the Government.

Implementation of Competency Based Curriculum

In a statement released on 22nd December 2018 by then Education CS Amina Mohamed indicated that the Competency Based Curriculum would be rolled out on 1st January 2019.  The ministry of education commenced a methodical phased roll-out of  Competency Based Curriculum (CBC)  on 1st January 2019 for Pre-Primary 1, 2 and Grade 1, Grade 2 and Grade 3 despite opposition from the giant teachers union (KNUT).

KNUT Basis of stopping implementation of Competency Based Curriculum

The teachers union KNUT through its Secretary General Wilson Sossion says its argument is based on a research they conducted between January and February 2019 titled ‘Teachers preparedness for implementation of the competency-based curriculum in pre-primary and lower primary grades in Kenya’.

Among the complaints raised by teachers on CBC implementation in the research include but are not limited to; lack of teacher training, lack of enough CBC textbooks, lack of laws guiding its implementation (sessional paper approved by Parliament.) e.t.c.

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One response

  1. Festus kumama Avatar
    Festus kumama

    Excellent work please mantain so

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