Kenyan Facebook Groups, Pages shortlisted for Facebook Awards

Kenyan Facebook Groups, Pages shortlisted for Facebook Community Leadership Program Awards

Facebook has released a list of Facebook Groups and pages in Kenya whose admins or founders will receive  awards through its Facebook Community Leadership Program.

Kenyan Facebook Groups, Pages shortlisted for Facebook Community Leadership Program Awards
A list of Kenyan Facebook Groups, Pages shortlisted for Facebook Community Leadership Program Awards/Photo source fb

What is Facebook Community Leadership Program award?

The Facebook Community leadership program award was launched in February 2018 to help empower Facebook admins from around the world to continue building groups and pages that share information which has a positive impact on the lives of the followers.

How much does Facebook admins earn from the award?

Facebook states that up to 100 admins will be selected  to its fellowship program and will receive up to $50,000 (about ksh. 5 million) each to be used for a specific community initiatives.

List of Kenyans that will receive the Facebook Community Leadership Program awards

Below is a list of community leaders from Kenyan that have been shortlisted for the awards ;

  1. Truphosah Monah, founder of Facebook page: Women And Realities of Disability
  2. Noah Nasiali, founder of Facebook group: Africa Farmers Club
  3. Felista Wangari founder of Facebook group: 52-week Savings Challenge Kenya
  4. Caroline Kihusa, founder of Facebook page: Still A Mum Trust
  5. Asha Mweru, founder of Facebook group: #WomenWorkKE
  6. Pamellah Oduor, founder of Facebook group: Let’s Cook Kenyan Meals

More information about the initiative can be read at About the facebook Community Leadership Program Program



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