How to keep fit and stay healthy while working

How to keep fit and stay healthy while working

Body wellness is one of the aspects  that  can contribute  to productivity both at the work place  as well as at home. Most people possess a long fitness goal wish list, but sometimes  find themselves  too busy to have workout  sessions. What they don’t know  is that there are so many ways of achieving  fitness  and wellness without necessarily  hitting the gym. Here are some of those

How to keep fit and stay healthy while working
How to keep fit and stay healthy while working



Get out of that car


Some people are too addicted  to the car such that  they cannot imagine life without it. Are you one of those? If yes, then it’s time you take that initiative  and leave that car alone  atleast for a few minutes each day or two days a week.  For instance you can decide to park it at walking distance to your work place. That way, you will be able to walk morning and evening.  Alternatively, you can be selecting  two days a week where you can go to work without it. Take public transport if possible  and get the chance  to walk to and from work.


Abandon that elevator


Avoid using the office lift at the slightest  chance. But rather take the stairs  at all costs of the issue  at hand is not urgent. This will not only strengthen  your  muscles  but also  burn some fat. If your office is at the ground floor, do take the initiative  of going up and down the stairs  at least  twice  a day.


Eat clean


If you don’t  have time to work out, then you should  at least  try to eat right. Avoid junk food and drink lots of water. This does require a lot of discipline  though. So one has to be ready to make sacrifices.

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