How to Keep Anxiety and fear in Check

How to overcome Anxiety and fear; beating them naturally

Overcoming anxiety and fear: Anxiety is a fairly common emotion that all of us have to experience from time to time. We feel anxious when encountering situations we are unfamiliar with. It could be meeting people for the first time or when anticipating bad news.

How to overcome Anxiety and fear; beating them naturally
How to overcome Anxiety and fear; beating them naturally/Photo

Anxiety can be fleeting and inconsequential or it can be catastrophic and result in compulsive reactions or panic attacks.

The difference is that some are better at managing anxiety so that it does not have detrimental effects to their mental health. Here are some practices you can employ to keep anxiety in check.

Stay in the Present

Fear for the unknown is the biggest reason why people tend to worry too much about the future.

Worrying about everything that is yet to happen robs you of the opportunity to focus on current issues that you can actually control.

Do not Overanalyse

It is not as bad as it seems. I bet you have heard of the statement most oft than not. Indeed, some situations are not as bad as they seem.

Overanalysing a situation only leads you to draw imaginary scenarios that may not even come to pass.

Accept Limits

At times throwing in the towel does not make you a coward. Rather, it is being realistic that we cannot control everything that there is. Neither can we go back in time to do things differently.

Instead, focus on the present and do what you can to avoid a repeat of unpleasant occurrences.

Trust in the Supreme

Trusting in a higher authority lifts the weight off your shoulder and lets you focus on what you can actually change. This is the reason why pious or prayerful people are able to cope with harrowing experiences.

Find Light in Darkness

There is always a silver lining in every dark cloud. It could be a lesson or a new realization. Positive people are aware of this and it is why they are able to overcome worry better than negative ones.

For instance, a dark moment could be an eye-opening experience on your abilities (or lack of them), why you like or dislike a particular thing or person, who are your true friends and who are not.


Therefore, it is suffice to say anxiety can be debilitating if you allow it to. We all have an innate ability to go through storms and come out smiling.

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