Jubilee party Manifesto Details, Launch, 2017: Uhuru Promises for Kenyans

Jubilee party Manifesto Launch, Details of their promises, Uhuru Kenyatta and William Ruto

Jubilee Party (JP)  launched its Manifesto on (Monday, 26th June 2017) ahead of the 8th August 2017 General elections. Party Leader and deputy party leader, President Uhuru Kenyatta and DP William Ruto will be using the manifestos’ pledges/promises/policies/ to hunt for votes. They are contesting against their fierce political competitor Raila Odinga.

 Jubilee party Manifesto Launch, Details of their promises, Uhuru Kenyatta and William Ruto
Monday, 26th June 2017, Jubilee party Manifesto Launch, Details of their promises, Uhuru Kenyatta and William Ruto/Photo


UPDATE: We have updated the 2017 Jubilee party Manifesto Details. You as well download full pdf below.

Jubilee Party Manifesto and pledges, 2017



If re-elected the Jubilee Government will:


  1. Create 1.3 million jobs every year and work with county governments to establish at least one industry in every county.
  2. Establish a government sponsored apprenticeship programme of up to 12 months for all university
    and TVET graduates.
  3. Double the number of vulnerable citizens supported through the cash transfer programme (Inua Jamii) from 700,000 to 1,400,000. This will include all citizens above the age of 70; in addition, all citizens above he age of 70 will obtain health insurance cover through the NHIF.
  4. Expand the free primary school programme to include free day public secondary schools in Kenya.
  5. Facilitate mass housing production of at least 500,000 affordable homes in 5 years across the country by working in partnership with financial institutions, private developers, manufacturers of building materials and cooperatives to deliver homes faster and reduce the cost of construction by at least 50%.
  6. Expand free maternity care to include government funded NHIF cover for every expectant mother
    for one year.
  7. Ensure every citizen is connected to reliable and affordable electricity (on or off-grid) by 2020.
  8. Expand food and agricultural production, double the fertiliser subsidy initiative, reducing the cost to farmers to less than Ksh1,500. Expand the programme to include all crops with a resultant increase in production and support the expansion and capacity of local fertiliser manufacture.
  9. Complete the 57-large-scale dam construction programme, support small-holder agricultural irrigation and work with the private sector to enhance food and agricultural production on at least 1.2 million acres.
  10. Make government more transparent and accountable through the digitisation of all government
    procurement; expand and deliver e-government services through the growing network of Huduma Centres.


Pillar One: Transforming Lives

  1. Transforming Health Services
  2. Transforming Education and Training for the 21st Century
  3. Affordable and Decent Housing for Kenyans
  4. Ensuring Safe and Sufficient Water for All
  5. Empowering Youth
  6. Empowering Women
  7. Sport, Culture and the Arts

Pillar Two:  Transforming Society

  1. Good Governance, Justice and the Fight Against Corruption
  2. Building a Public service that is Fit for Service
  3. Building a United and Cohesive Nation
  4. Security and Policing
  5. Devolution – Bringing Government Closer to the People

Pillar Three: Transforming the Nation

  1. A Broad Based and Inclusive Modern Economy
  2. Building Kenya’s Infrastructure for the 21st Century
  3. Transforming our Industry –Build Kenya, Buy Kenya
  4. Land, Agriculture and the Environment
  5. The “Blue” Economy
  6. Foreign Relations and Trade
  7. Building Africa’s Silicon Savannah
  8. Building a Vibrant Tourism Sector


UPDATE:  The 2017 Jubilee party of Kenya Manifesto was  launched today 6/26/2017: Download full pdf manifesto in this page

Jubilee Party Leaders, president Uhuru Kenyatta and William Ruto will be launching their reelection campaign manifestos today
Jubilee Party Leaders, president Uhuru Kenyatta and William Ruto will be launching their reelection campaign manifestos today/Photo
  • Jubilee party slogan: Tuko Pamoja
  • Jubilee party official websiteshttp://jubileepamoja.co.ke  and www.jubileepartyke.com
  • Jubilee party Headquarter: Jubilee House, Pangani
  • Jubilee contacts: 0771 399841, 0780 184393, 0780 445098,0704 367983, 0717 041240
  • Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) website: www.iebc.or.ke


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