Jomo Kenyatta University, JKUAT 29th Graduation List and Ceremony , June 2017

uon graduation ceremony and list

Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology (JKUAT)  29th Graduation Ceremony and list-Tuesday, 27th June, 2017.

Jomo Kenyatta University, JKUAT 29th Graduation List and Ceremony , June 2017
Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology: JKUAT 29th Graduation List and Ceremony , June 2017/Photo

This is to inform all candidates who qualified for conferment of degrees and the award of various diplomas of Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology during the 2016/2017 academic year that the 29th Graduation Ceremony will be held on Tuesday, 27th June, 2017 at at the Graduation Square, Main Campus, Juja.The information regarding preparations for the ceremony is as detailed below:

Examination Results

The results of examinations sat in the 2016/2017 academic year are available from the offices of the respective Deans/Directors of schools/faculty/campuses /institutes during working hours. The graduands should confirm the inclusion of their names in the graduation lists with their respective Deans/Directors, latest 12th June, 2017.

Confirmation of order of names

The list of graduands for the 29th Graduation will be available on the website and all candidates should ensure that their names are as they should appear on their certificates in terms of order of names and correctness of spelling. This confirmation will begin on Monday 12th June, 2017.


Graduands wishing to participate in the ceremony MUST attend the rehearsals at the Graduation Square on Monday June 26th, 2017 at 10.00 a.m. Graduands attending the rehearsal must be seated by the stated hour and be in complete graduation attire.Vital information will be communicated during the rehearsal.

Graduation Fees

A mandatory non-refundable fee as stated below must be paid not later than Monday 19th June, 2017. Payments will be made to the University bank accounts at any of the branches of the banks listed below:-

  • Standards Chartered Bank, A/c No. 0108023434900
  • Barclays Bank of Kenya, A/c No. 077-5001216
  • Cooperative Bank of Kenya, A/c No. 01129098952900
  • National Bank of Kenya, A/c No. 01003059580600
  • Equity Bank A/c No. 0090291251426

In addition, graduands must have cleared any fees arrears and all other dues owed to the University by the said date, failure of which will lead disqualification during the ceremony.The following are mandatory graduation charges for the various categories of graduands,which must be paid not later than Monday 19th June, 2017.

Academic Dress

During the ceremony, only graduands in full academic attire will be allowed entry into the Graduation Square. Graduands who wish to hire gowns are required to apply and pay as stated above. The forms can be downloaded from the University website, Gowns will be issued from Monday 12th June, 2017 upto Monday 26th June, 2017 during working hours. Graduation attire must be returned by Friday 7th July, 2017 latest; after which a penalty of Kshs. 500 (Kenya shillings five hundred only) will be charged per day.
Invitation Cards

During the hiring of academic dress, each graduand will be given two (2) invitation cards for their guests. Persons without invitation cards will not be allowed into the Graduation Square during the ceremony.


On the graduation day, graduands and their guests will be expected to have taken their seats by 8.00 a.m. Those arriving late will not be allowed into the Graduation Square.

Graduation List

Download Graduation list from this page: Graduation List

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