John Magufuli beats Edward Lowassa to win 2015 Tanzania presidential elections: NEC Results

John Pombe Magufuli photos

Pombe Joseph Magufuli  of Chama Cha Mapinduzi (CCM) is the new 5th president elect of the of Tanzania.  Magufuli  beat his closest competitor Edward lowasa of Chama Cha Demokrasia na Maendeleo (Chadema). This is based on the official final results of votes that were announced by the NEC chair which indicate that CCM’s Magufuli garnered 8.8 (58%) million votes while Lowasa garnered 6.07  million votes. The opposition has however rejected the results and moved to court to challenge the process.


Pombe Joseph Magufuli worked as roads ministers in former president Kikwete’s regime. He was nominated as CCM’s presidential flag bearer on 12th July 2015.
Pombe Joseph Magufuli’s  victory makes CCM one of the most oldest existing party in East Africa. CCM was founded by Julius Kambarage Nyerere and has produced all presidents in Tanzania. It has build a network that the opposition has been unable to brake.



Pombe Magufuli ‘s 2015 win brings onto board one of the strongest opposition led by Edward Lowasa.  Mr Lowassa the former prime minister  of Tanzania who defected from the ruling party  CCM to the opposition  union party Chadema  after losing to Joseph Magufuli   IN party presidential nominations.
Unlike the new president elect  Pombe Joseph Magufuli,  Chadema’s opposition leader Edward Lowassa  has on several occasion  been mentioned in mega corrupt scandals. He was sacked by president Jakaya Kikwete for his position as prime minister because of high level corruption in his office.

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