IEBC Rift Valley Province Number of registered voters: Kalenjin, MaasaiTribes Majority

IEBC registered voters county

Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) registered voters in Rift Valley province which comprises mostly of the Kalenjin, Maasai, Turkana, Kikuyu and Luhya tribe and  well known to support William Ruto’s Jubilee Party and Raila Odinga’s ODM.

IEBC registered voters county
IEBC registered voters statistics/Photo

The former Rift Valley was divided into 14 counties as listed below .Below are the official IEBC registered voters (updated early 2017).


UPDATE: For updated list of voters after mass voter registration Kindly check here: IEBC New Voters by 21st February 2017
Number of Registered voters in Rift Valley Province



  1. Turkana County: 132,885 voters
  2. West Pokot County: 120,986 voters
  3. Samburu County: 61,114 voters
  4. Trans Nzoia county: 244,640 voters
  5. Uasin Gishu County: 330,630 voters
  6. Elgeyo/Marakwet: 134, 568 voters
  7. Nandi County:  263, 264 voters
  8. Baringo County:  173,653 voters
  9. Laikipia County:  173, 905 voters
  10. Nakuru County: 695,318 voters
  11. Narok County: 211,835 voters
  12. Kajiado County: 304,346 voters
  13. Kericho County: 248,735 voters
  14. Bomet County: 252,358 voters

Rift Valley total registered voters: 3,348,237  registered voters
NOTE: That Maasai, Turkana, Luhya make Rift Valley not to be a completely jubilee voting zone as mostly assumed by many. But the rest of the counties made of Kalenjin tribe can be said to be Jubilee voting territory.


(We will update the figures as mass registration numbers are announced by IEBC)


Do not miss our updates on voter registration patterns in Kenya ahead of the 2017 presidential elections

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