I almost lost my life: Renee Wambui Caesarean section experience

danger of c-section

This story was first shared by Wambui in her new blog  youngstylishmummy. She writes about the pain  and suffering she went through after undergoing Caesarean section. It serves as warning to those ladies who may prefer to go the c-section way  instead of natural delivery despite not having any delivery complication.

“I had a very healthy pregnancy with the usual nausea, heartburn and losing air once in a while but I can term it healthy. I thought I would go in to the labor room, push and boom Ayden is born but I was in for a rude shock and that is when most of my problems began. I was rushed in for an emergency C-section and I unfortunately did not go through the healing process as expected.

I went through major child birth complications if anything I almost lost my life thanks to giving life to another human. I suffered from an uncommon condition called cecal perforation that happens to only a few women in the world and chances of surviving is very minimum. I was the only woman who survived from this condition in Nairobi Hospital because the lady who suffered from this condition before me did not make it out alive. Cecal Perforation is a rare condition where a persons caecum gets a hole or perforation causing waste that is meant to be excreted to come back into the body ,well thats what I understood in my layman English but here is a medical term and meaning in the link attached )

I never thought that there are complications caused by C sections but my condition was one of them. Apparently C-section does more harm than good. So ladies who are planning to have kids or are pregnant currently go the natural way unless otherwise but in Kenya there is a trend where most women are lured into Caesarean section when they are really weak in the labor wards and the doctor makes you believe you cannot do it naturally, I was one of them so I know and I urge all women to go natural if possible. I believe doctors prefer Caesarean because it is good for their pockets and the greed nowadays pains me.

2 days in and I developed some pain on the right side of my abdomen, I was not passing gas or stool yet I felt the urge to do it. One morning at 3 am at Nairobi Hospital the nurse brought Ayden to my room to breastfeed and I could not get up to feed him because of a sharp pain in my right side. I shouted in pain and she returned Ayden back to the nursery and called other nurses for help. There was nothing much they could do so they called my gynaecologist who called a senior doctor who ordered am given painkillers until morning. The pain had lessened but the senior doctor feared there was something really wrong. On Sunday morning I was in excruciating pain and he ordered I go for an X-ray and this when he discovered there was something seriously wrong, my mum was on her way to the airport when she was asked to cancel that flight and rush to Nairobi Hospital as I was scheduled for an emergency surgery. I had just gone through c section surgery and now this. 10am and I was rushed in for the surgery which was conducted by Dr M.R Khan to be honest I owe this man my life and also Prof. Ogutu as he was the one who noted the issue due to a past incident.

I made it out alive and was taken back to my room, I was now not allowed to see my child as he was at risk of getting infected. In 5 days my situation was getting worse as I developed blood clots in the lung and one evening at 5pm I was rushed into HDU (High Dependancy Unit) I thought this was it I was dying but 2 days in God saved my life because in all honesty I was not going to make it out alive and the doctors facial expressions kind of told me this was really bad. I believe my family’s prayers and in that point my mothers prayers saved my life as I came out alive. I remember in HDU we took pictures and my mum asked me one day to share with people what I went through part of the reason I started this blog is to create awareness about child birth complications.

I had heard of child birth complications but only in the media and it was mostly women in rural areas who had no access to good medical centres yet here I was in a top hospital with top doctors yet I had complications that is when I knew life is really unpredictable. Well I moved back to my private room and instead of recovering positively things were getting worse. Every night I had fever and my temperature was always 40 degrees and one day the doctor or rather my surgeon asked I have an MRI test done and this showed that I had water retained in parts of the body that are not supposed to have water and when he was reading the results I remember him saying Wambui this is very risky considering you have had 2 surgeries already in just a week but I have to conduct a minor surgery to drain out this water. I knew this was it for me and I kept thinking I would not make it alive from that surgery room. Well he did a laparascopy surgery and it went well as this marked the end of my dilemma. The 3 weeks in hospital showed me that really health is wealth and it does not matter how wealthy or poor one is, as long as you are healthy well you are wealthy. That period in hospital also showed me how important prayers are and also the power of family and friends.

I made it out alive with a very huge hospital bill in my name but thank God I had insurance cover. I would urge all mums to be and basically any other person to ensure you have insurance cover no matter how little it is, it goes a long way once you are admitted.”

The story was first published on

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