Attachments and internships are necessary in completion of most courses and in gaining working skills and experience. Failure to get them may lead to delayed graduation, little confidence, low esteem and even poorly equipped Curriculum vitae.
Let’s see how to crack this nut.
Be Timely
Know how early your institution allows for you to find attachment or internship. For a good number of courses in Kenyan universities, second years are good to go.
Do not procrastinate. The time is now! You do not have the future with you yet.
Make wise use of your long holidays. This you do by making initial plans which will enable you to create adequate time for attachments and internships.
Seek by all legal ways possible on your potential workplaces upon graduation. Have at least three favorites for example companies, government institutions, private sectors and NGOs .
You can use the following methods to research:
- Internet search
- Through school’s career programs.
- Ask those who have pursued your course.
- Ask yourself! Yes, where would you like to work?
Having identified potential workplaces, send as many applications as you can; clearly stating exactly what you need and why.
Some of them usually advertise such opportunities in their websites, check out for them.
In your application:
- Show that you have zeal and you’re serious.
- Indicate which time you will be available.
- Attach your relevant academic documents.
- Attach your CV, whether you have worked before or not.
Visit potential employment centers
While still in school, visit places you’d like to work in. Ask more about what they do and whether they can accommodate you for attachment or internship programs.
Many people do not do this either thinking that they are too young or it is too early but in real sense, it is an actual implication of your commitment.
Having used the techniques we’ve discussed today, you will not only find attachment and internship programs but you are also likely to find long term employment as an extension of the programs. Be intentional and you got this!
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