Details of New HELB bill that President Uhuru Kenya declined to approve

Charles Ringear-HELB CEO

On August 201th 2015, Kenyayote shared a post (here) of the new HELB Bill that had been passed in parliament and forwarded to the president for final approval to become an act.
The HELB (Amendment) Bill  which was sponsored by Kiharu MP Irungu Kangata came into the limelight late last year. The Bill sought to protect jobless graduates from paying helb loan  interests, giving  regular  or jab students in public universities priority in getting helb loans over  private sponsored students (parallel) and making it mandatory for the board to give money to all Government-sponsored students in public universities and was  passed in parliament on August 20th 2015.
Lugari MP Ayub Savula indicated that “The HELB amendment Bill  would bring in an area where students who have not secured employment one year after completing their studies are given a grace period before they can start repaying the loan.”
The Bill would also see HELB forced to provide proof if it rejects to give a loan to any government sponsored (JAB) student (regular).
The president however rejected the bill. You can read more about the HELB (Amendment) Bill, that was sponsored by Kiharu MP Irungu Kangata here

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