Courses that have the highest rate of employment for Kenyan Graduates

Degree Courses that have the highest rate of employment for Kenyan Graduates

Different courses are linked to different levels of pay/salary and employment chances. For instance, it is widely known that graduate Doctors, Engineers e.t.c earn more money than graduate teachers. But where the problem lies is not even how much money you will get paid but whether you will get employed.

Degree Courses that have the highest rate of employment for  Kenyan Graduates
Degree Courses that have the highest rate of employment for Kenyan Graduates/Photo


How likely are you to get a jobĀ  a year after graduating?

We visited Brighter Monday and we decided to look at which courses have the highest number of vacancies. We analyzed the trends for one month. Below is a list of courses, listed according to their probability of employment.


Percentage of graduates who get direct employment a year after completing their studies


  1. Medicine Courses: 65%
  2. Education Courses: 23.1%
  3. Business Courses: 10%
  4. Project Management Courses: 7.8%
  5. Accounting and Auditing Courses: 6.4%
  6. Marketing Courses: 6.1%
  7. Hospitality/Leisure/Travel courses: 5.7%


NOTE: Percentage indicates the probability of employment a year after graduating

Data Compiling

Our percentages were arrived at by using an average of 1484 available vacancies offered in different fields and comparing themĀ  with the number of students that graduated from Moi University, University of Nairobi, Mount Kenya University and Kenyatta University in the year 2015/2016 in different degree courses.


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