Cause of Chester Bennington Death (Linkin Park singer ): Why Suicide

Cause of Linkin Park singer Chester Bennington Death, Why he committed suicide Suicide

Singer Chester Bennington who was part of the Linkin Park band has died. BBC indicates that Chester committed suicide by hanging himself to death today (Thursday 20th July 2017).  Cause of death Highlighted below.

Cause of Linkin Park singer Chester Bennington Death, Why he committed suicide Suicide
Cause of Linkin Park singer Chester Bennington Death, Why he committed suicide Suicide/Photo


Cause of Chester Bennington Sucide (Death)

Chester Bennington is believed to have committed suicide due to drug abuse (Associated press). He was quoted saying “…for me life got really weird and really hard all at one time” (video below).


What Fans are saying on Twitter about Chester Bennington death

  • @KatWoodruff: This is beyond heart breaking. i grew up listening to linkin park & their music has a special place in my heart. r.i.p chester bennington
  • @MrVenzetti: Linkin Park are what got me creating music. His voice made me realise I could be loud and beautiful. Rest in peace Chester Bennington.
  • @b86547f5aaba444: I feel the pain Dlive I am living in a little sorrow right now Chester was my favorite out of Linkin Park I would turn to his music for help
  • @skelebonesart: rip chester bennington… your band seriously made my edgy pre teen years great and i still come back when yall release new music
  • @ABombFirocious: #RIPChester Nothing I can say will do this news justice. You will be missed Chester Bennington. The music industry will never be the same.
  • @ItsJmetz: Rest in peace Chester Bennington. Your music has been and continues to be a major outlet for me and the rest of your fans. We’ll miss you
  • @MClarkeDrums: Chester Bennington was one of my favorite musicians since I was 6.
  • @ChesterBe , thank you for providing the soundtrack to my childhood.
  • @Pinsky: Absolutely terrible news about Chester Bennington. If you’re feeling down and need to talk, don’t be afraid to seek help.

Chester Bennington summary profile

  • Was Born in Phoenix, Arizona, in March 20, 1976 as Chester Charles Bennington
  • Wife : Samantha Olit (d) and Talinda Bentley (d)
  • Children: 6

Video of Chester Bennington speaking about his life


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