How to balance family life while studying: School Life for young parents

How to balance family life while studying, School Life for young parents, young mothers

Family life and studies: Balancing one’s family life while studying can be quite overwhelming especially among married couples and single parents. All these considering how demanding the two are.Therefore before one makes that bold move,they should objectively consider the pros and cons. If at the end of it they still feel the need to go ahead, then they should come up with a carefully drafted activity log that will guide them in their daily undertakings. This is necessary to ensure that neither of the two is compromised.

How to balance family life while studying, School Life for young parents, young mothers
balancing family life while studying, School Life for young parents, young mothers/Photo al3inmoon


Taking Evening Classes


If one is not working, then they could consider taking evening classes which could give them enough time to spend most of the day attending to family matters. Alternatively, if one is working then they could still take evening classes or weekend classes.With several universities offering this options in the country, one will be spoilt for choice.

Picking Units

When dealing with weekend classes, one should pick their units such that they still get time to
spend with family. For instance, one can pick classes in the morning hours or in the afternoon
depending on their schedule.

Family Support

It is also important to have the support of other family members in this journey as they play a great role in offering baby  and emotional support.



So are you a young mother and are contemplating on going back to school? Give the above approaches a try.


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