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I added my spouse to NHIF, how long will it take for her to be covered

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by (45.3k points)
It takes 30 days for a spouse to be covered by NHIF from the day she was added. You will see the message ‘Spouse not entitled until…’ (date after 30 days of adding). For instance, if you add your spouse on 1st January, she will start being covered from 30th January.

To add a spouse, you need to present a copy of your marriage certificate or affidavit and copies of your ID (wife and husband) to Huduma Center NHIF desk.

You can get an affidavit from any advocate and commissioner for oaths (for about Ksh. 1,000 to 2,000) or court of law (for about ksh. 50 to 200).
I added mine on 15 the Nov then I was told I have to wait until I get a text message.How long does it take to receive the message?
by (45.3k points)
The only SMS you receive from NHIF is the One Time Password (OTP) when your login to the self-care portal or when your check your status.

After adding your spouse at NHIF Office, wait for 30 days and check whether she has been added.
I took all this document on 5th january but nothing have been yet.
But not reflected/added

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