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I applied for an identification card, how do I check if it is ready for collection

1 Answer

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by (45.3k points)

To check whether your national identification (ID) card is ready for collection then SMS you waiting card number to 20031. You will receive a sms with the status of your ID.

You can also visit your application centre to confirm the status of your application

I'm trying to send the serial number via sms but there is no response
I'm trying to send the serial number to via SMS but no response I don't know why
I have sent it,but I haven't got any response
Yes they are not responding
Why are they not responding they only take credit
Iam trying to give out the serial number of the waiting card but the answer is give the correct serial number and iam giving the correct one idont know why
am told to sent the correct serial no, and its correctily written

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