Ababu Namwamba’s Motion to reduce basic salaries of state officers by 50%

ababu namwamba motion


Aware that the public wage bill has risen sharply in recent times and currently stands. at 52% of Kenya’s annual ordinary revenues; Alarmed that this level is unsustainably high and does indeed rank way above the global average of 35% for middle income economics such as ours;
Concerned further that the public wage structure is also grossly imbalanced with unacceptable disparities and inequalities amongst the 680,000 public servants where a tiny minority at the apex enjoy monstrously high packages while the vast majority in the lower echelons earn a pittance:
Convinced that there is no logic of whatever shade anyway for only 1.5% of the population who constitute the public workforce to consume 52% of revenue generated by all the 40 million Kenyans collectively;
Afraid that this lopsided economic scenario seriously constrains the resources available for development financing and delivery of essential public Services to all Kenyans: Noting that the latest round of the cyclic teachers’ industrial action has served to amplify the enormity or the twin challenges of diacritics within the public wage structure and unsustainability of the ever burgeoning public wage bill;
Believing that the ultimate solution to these twin challenges rests in restructuring. harmonizing and balancing the public wage structure to bridge the noted disparities. attain more sustainable thresholds and afford dignified livelihoods for teachers. medical personnel. uniformed officers and all other public service cadres; Acknowledging that the hyper inflammation of the public wage bill started in Parliament and further that the August House bears responsibility to offer leadership in seeking the ultimate solution to this challenge that is of grave national importance;
Affirming that it is time to end the political rhetoric and start walking the talk by confronting head-on the twin challenges of unsustainable and imbalanced public wage structure with substantive policy options:
Confident that the review and balancing of the public wage structure will have far reaching domino etlect that will include enhanced fiscal discipline in public spending, lower inflation. strengthening of thc shilling, drop in cost of living and general improved wellbeing of the people of Kenya.

This House resolves as follows:
1.  THAT His Excellency the President. the Deputy President. Cabinet Secretaries a. Principal Secretaries, Members of the National Assembly. Senators. Governors and their Deputies, Speakers of the National Parliament and County Assemblies, Clerks of the National Parliament and County Assemblies; Members of County assemblies, County Executive Committee Members, County Chief Officers. judges. Chief’ Executive Officers and Directors of parastatals and members of Constitutional Commissions shall have their basic salaries reduced by 50% forthwith.
2. THAT all sitting allowances currently paid to any of the listed public officers shall be abolished forthwith;
3. THAT all mileage claims, travelling allowances and related subsidiary income shall be reviewed downwards by the Salaries and Remuneration Commission as appropriate;
4. THAT the National Assembly and the Senate shall initiate forthwith a bipartisan process to review and revise downwards the number of Legislators in both the National Parliament and County Assemblies as one way of reducing the monstrous budget of sustaining the high numbers of representatives at the two levels.
5. THAT the National Assembly and the Senate shall initiate forthwith a bipartisan process to review and revise downwards the number, size and remuneration of Constitutional Commissions;
6. THAT the National Assembly and the Senate in consultation with the National Government and County Governments shall initiate forthwith a joint process of reviewing and harmonizing public service establishment in all counties to eliminate the current duplication of personnel between the national and county governments.
7. THAT a seven-member bipartisan Select Committee composed of three members of the National Assembly, two members of the Senate, one officer from Treasury and one representative of the Salaries and Remuneration Commission to be known as the Public Wage Review Committee be formed forthwith to oversight the whole process of restructuring, harmonizing and balancing the public wage structure. Members of the Committee shall not be entitled to any form of allowance or remuneration.
Hon Ababu Namwamba, Monday, 21st September. 2015
Source: Ababu Namwamba fb shares

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