Aaron Cheruiyot wins Jubilee party nominations in Kericho county senatorial by-election

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Kericho County senatorial by election JAP results: Aaron Cheruiyot  wins

Kericho County senatorial by election nominations for JAP ticket went down on the 16th January 2016 and a new entrant into the political scene Aaron Cheruiyot won the sit amid claims of voter bribery.
Kericho county being a jubilee party stronghold puts Aaron Cheruiyot at a better chance of emerging the ultimate winner.Below are the preliminary results of the winners and losers in JAB nomination

  1. Aaron Cheruiyot-17565
  2. Sammy Chepkwony-17081
  3. Franklin Bett-16914
  4. Magerer Langat-14059
  5. Joel Kirui-2152
  6. Festus Mautor-1312

Aaron Cheruiyot is remembered by many for his active involvement in moi university student politics (muso). He managed to beat former powerful minister Franklin Bett who many had predicted will win with a landslide. Bett has however indicated that he will launch a complaint of voter bribery involvement in the nominations to the party. Other big losers include former ODM’s Magerer Langat who came fourth.

The victory of Aaron Cheruiyot in the nomination process and his ultimate win will energize the youths ahead of 2017 elections and send a signal of a wave of change that is coming.

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