Mwalimu National Sacco has launched MwalimuHela, a new mobile banking application that seeks to transform how its members utilize the products and services that it offers.
MwalimuHela also called Mhela, is a new mobile banking app by Malimu National Sacco that brings financial services and products offered by the teacher-dominated Sacco to the app. The application was launched on January 18, 2023.
Mwalimu Sacco members can download, and install the app from Google Play and App Store after launch.
MwalimuHela Features
Some of the products and services available on the Mwalimu Hela app include;
- Depositing of funds from Mpesa your account or another member’s
- Funds transfer from one member account to another
- Funds transfer to external bank accounts
- Loan request and repayment (to or from Mpesa respectively)
- Mini statement request
- Checking account balance
- Airtime and popular Paybill payment options
Saccos in Kenya are struggling to keep up with technological changes that are transforming the financial industry and creating more competition. Mwalimu Sacco is setting the trend by becoming a pioneer in creating a digital experience platform for Sacco members.
The biggest challenge that Mwalimu Sacco faces is ensuring that the app is stable and without major account registration and transaction errors.
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