Recommended Foods to avoid Bad Breath

bad breath causes and foods to eat to avoid it

What follows is a list of some foods that either cause bad breath  or help eliminated bad breath we recommend you should eat for a fresh breath.
Bad Breath
Bad breath can come in the way of potentially rich prospects. Bad breath can arise from having a bad run with your oral hygiene, but in some cases may result from gut processes that react acrimoniously with certain foods. Maybe you shouldn’t have had those raw onions with your fast food on that office break, because now you are faced with bad breath all afternoon. In some cases certain foods linger in your systems causing foul breath.

Onions and garlic

The issue with onions and garlic is, they contain pungent oils that get carried through your bloodstream to your lungs. When you breathe out, the pungent leftovers are exhaled too.

bad breath causes and foods to eat to avoid it
bad breath causes and foods to eat to avoid it/Photo by PB

These are foods with a clean bill of health;


Parsley is probably one of the most well-known ways to treat bad breath, its oils do the trick. Likewise, spearmint and cinnamon are good choices. Some other herbs and spices are coriander or cilantro, eucalyptus and rosemary.

Green tea

Green tea is rich in catechin, a powerful antioxidant that fends off bacteria causing bad breath.


Some studies have shown that the live active cultures in yogurt help reduce bad breath. It has probiotics which are essentially good bacteria that overpower the bad guys.


Fruits stimulate saliva production essential in nourishing and rebalancing the natural oral ecology. Oranges, melons and all berry forms aren’t hard to come by, are they? Vitamin C not only keeps bacteria in check but also combats gum diseases and gingivitis, these also cause bad breath.
Celery, carrots and cucumbers. These crunchies also encourage saliva production.
The fiber in nuts act like tiny toothbrushes keeping odor-causing bacteria from staining teeth.

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