How to pass English KCSE Exams in Kenya and pdf Past Papers

How to pass kcse english exams and where to download pdf past papers 1, 2 and 3

Passing English KCSE Exams: There are many different theories about `how to pass English in KCSE` exams. However, I always go with one rule; fall in love with the language. Enjoy yourself while reading and listening to your English teachers. An English exam paper during KCSE exams tests you more on language, how well you can correctly make meaningful and relatable statements and also how you easily express yourself using in English without difficulty.

How to pass kcse english exams and where to download pdf past papers 1, 2 and 3
How to pass kcse English exams and where to download pdf past papers 1, 2 and 3/Photo by


KCSE English Papers

In KCSE, the English exam has three papers; English paper 1, English 2 and English 3.

In paper one, you are tested in prepositions, verbs, adverbs, pronouns and how they are effectively used to make meaningful statements. You are also tested in functional writing for example letters, memoirs and so on. In this paper, your oral skills will also be tested.

In paper two, you are tested on your knowledge about literature and the set books you`ve been reading.

And finally, in paper three, your creativity is tested through composition writing.

How to Revise and Passs KCSE exams

So how do you go about revising and passing English in your KCSE exams?

  • Just like all the other subjects, always start your revision early. Do not start running during the last minutes, be an early bird and you`ll surely catch the warm.
  • Passing English requires attention to detail. So during your classes and revision time, always be attentive. Do not shy away from asking questions when you don`t understand something.
  • In paper two, make sure you familiarise yourself with the different set books you`ve been reading. Allocate some of your revision time to read and reread the chapters, this allows you ample time to clearly understand the story from different perspectives from which the questions might be asked
  • Revising for paper three requires that you do wide This helps in building up on your creativity and confidence when tackling the paper.
  • Your English KCSE revision should be wide and deep. Use different materials to revise for your exams. Consult your teachers whenever you encounter any difficulties.
  • Join serious study groups while revising, this allows you to understand the English papers from different perspectives and how to effectively tackle and pass English in KCSE.

Where to Download pdf English Past Papers

You can download KCSE English past paper from The revision papers come with KNEC marking schemes or answers.


Bear in mind that your attitude matters a lot on how you perform in your English paper during KCSE. So if passing is what you want more than anything, have a positive mind, start revising early and love the subject.

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7 responses

  1. Gabriel Sikinyi Avatar
    Gabriel Sikinyi

    I have a problem in English paper 2 what can I do?

  2. Gideon Avatar

    what is the most important thing to study in english?

  3. Aubameyang Avatar

    I have a problem in English

    1. Romeo kiptoo Avatar
      Romeo kiptoo

      I have a problem in English

  4. Roselyne Mwende Avatar
    Roselyne Mwende

    English isba really awesome subject. Thanks 😊

  5. Toni Silver Avatar
    Toni Silver

    English is like a local language that we know just enjoy its concepts and it will be understood easily end success is gained without much struggle

  6. RACHAEL Avatar

    Thank you for your encouragement.I really love English

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