Best Holiday Destinations in Kilifi County: Tourist sites

Best Holiday Destinations in Kilifi County, Tourist sites

Kilifi County is found in the coastal region of Kenya and it has amazing Destinations for your holiday vacation. Here are some of them.

Best Holiday Destinations in Kilifi County, Tourist sites
Best Holiday Destinations in Kilifi County, Tourist sites/Photo
  1. Arabuko Sokoke National Reserve

This reserve is unique in terms of the animal and plant species it harbors; most of them are indigenous and that are rare to find in other places. These coastal areas’ species reserve covers around 400 kilometres square. Some of the rare species found there are The Sokoke Scops Owl, the east coast akalat, the amani sunbird and the spotted ground thrush.

  1. The Portuguese Chapel

This is another historical structure built in the 16th century. It was used by the Portuguese for worship and outside the chapel is a graveyard where some Portuguese were laid to rest.

  1. Jumba la Mtwana

‘Jumba la Mtwana’ is a Swahili word meaning a slave trade mansion. It was built in the 14th century and was used for slave trade; as the name indicates.

  1. Mnarani Ruins

This is old structure in which there are remains of mosques, courts, sultans pillar tomb and other artefacts.

  1. Sandy beaches and Beachside Resorts

Kilifi borders the Indian ocean so there you will get to enjoy all the happiness that comes with basking on sandy beaches, swimming and so forth.

There are plenty of resorts in Kilifi which offer super awesome accommodation; they are well equipped and offer client-tailored services.


The beautiful nature of Kilifi together with its Swahili people make an awesome combination. Visit Kilifi and you won’t regret it

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