How to Download 2023 Form One Admission Letters (calling forms)

website page for downloading form one admission letter

What follows is a procedure on how 2022 KCPE candidates can download admission letters or calling letters for 2023  secondary school intake.

NOTE: To check the high school selected to join  SMS  your index number to 22263 (the code works for safaricom, Airtel, and Telkom). The sms charges ksh. 25. You will only get the results after the placement process has been completed.

How to Download Form One Admission Letter

To download your form one joining admission letter follow the procedure below;

  •  Step 1: Go to the Ministry of education website via the link provided below

Upon receipt of a notification indicating which school a candidate has been admitted to, head to the Ministry of Education portal available on Form one selection

  • Step 2: Select School Level

After opening the portal you will find 3 links for the three categories of schools. Click on the appropriate one, e.g. Form One Selection System for Extra County Schools.

Categories of Secondary Schools selected
Categories of Secondary Schools
  • Step 3: Select the School location and index number

On the next page, you will need to select the County where the school is located, the Sub County, and finally enter the candidate’s KCPE Index number.

How to Download 2018 Form One Admission Letter
How to Download 2023 Form One Admission Letter/calling letters online from
  • Step 4: Download Form one Admission or calling letter

NOTE 1: Kindly note that admission letters will be available a week from now. Come back and check. SMS code for

NOTE 2: If you are asked for a email address and you are lost kindly contact your headmaster to provide you with one so that you can download your admission letter.

Do not miss all our latest updates on how to download or get form one admission letters or calling letters for candidates who did their KCPE examination in 2022.

Here is a guide on how to transfer form one secondary school placed.

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45 responses

  1. Fast my child confirm she had 290 but now he confirmed is 243 why here because he seem he has math 64 but now is 42

  2. hallo i have a problem with this, hakuna admission letter yet aliget school na alikuwa na 370 marks
    Sub Country
    School Selected to
    School Type
    Extra County
    Click the link below to get the School Admission Letter
    Letter Not Available at this time please try latter

    1. Brian Mong'are Avatar
      Brian Mong’are

      How to login to kuccps

  3. WHAT DOES THIS MEAN ??????????????
    Click the link below to get the School Admission Letter
    Letter Not Available at this time please try latter

  4. Hi would you please introduce a clear way for the selection please, once i login the home page keeps loading without response and the contacts attached are not operational.How do i deal with the issue of object not found .Thanks

  5. what if I want to change school for my niece cause she has been called to garrissa…from siaya to garrissa it’s far

  6. what if I want to change school for my niece cause she has been called to garrissa…from sis ya to garrissa it’s far

  7. georginah Avatar

    have been try to download the admission latter of extra county but they not available .
    kindly help

  8. have been try to download the admission latter of extra county but they not available .
    kindly help

  9. Wilson waithanji Avatar
    Wilson waithanji

    My daughter got 335 in kcpe and wasn’t selected to join any school. Index 27570244023. Nakuru County Gilgil subcounty

  10. Thanks for the info provided

  11. Hi what if the school admitted to haven’t provide their mobile number info or goke address?


    My brother got 270 marks and has not yet be posted to any school yet please help

  13. lawrence awino Avatar
    lawrence awino

    Kindly assist . My daughter was called to asumbi girls but the calling letter is not available. How can I get it.

  14. Onyango wyclife Avatar
    Onyango wyclife

    Hallo, I have a candidate who got 350marks and do far no school. Index number 11241070003. Please assist

  15. Hello,my daughter got 334 marks .I would like to know the school she has been chosen to.
    Index 40716113004

  16. Noah kaiga Avatar
    Noah kaiga

    I am Noah Kaiga .l’m looking for a new school.l’m in form3.pleas I need a good school to continue with my studies.please help me.please

  17. Albanus Mutua Avatar
    Albanus Mutua

    why head teachers of primary school not issuing U.P.I. numbers? please follow up.

  18. How does the ministry reverse an already downloaded admission letter for form one if I don’t intend to take the child due to a critical challenge

  19. hi am trying to get the admission form for my daughter but am getting no record,please help .her index is 11232302012

  20. Julius kirui Avatar
    Julius kirui

    My daughter scored 313 marks has not been placed in any school up to date,I had sleepless nights, index no.25508194007,now approaching x mass,opening think she could fall under county school,

  21. placement record for 44717150009 please

  22. Topmark Valuers Limited Avatar
    Topmark Valuers Limited

    My son kangeri harrydas njeru not yet enrolled in any school he had 311 kiambu county kindlyconsider.

  23. Eddieshakz Avatar

    Extra county schools adimission form {calling letters} are not found in the portal, kindly help us get them. The earlier the better.

  24. Extra county school delays… please help!!!

  25. Arap Korir Avatar
    Arap Korir

    Admission letters for students joining Extra county schools who sat their KCPE in Uasin Gishu county(Turbo Sub county in particular) not available it is quite stressful kindly do something.

  26. Inaitwa serikali,where nothing really works fro the common man!

  27. Margaret Makunja Avatar
    Margaret Makunja

    I am unable to access County schools calling letters online and parents in my school are anxious. Please help. Thank you.

  28. am trying to get my daughters admission but i cant get it it says no record found

  29. silas kwanzu Avatar
    silas kwanzu

    ma brother got 284 and he did not get the a school kindly help me
    his index no is 26534176018

  30. evaline a. okumu Avatar
    evaline a. okumu

    my son got 307 and has not gotten a school yet kindly help his index number is 39713095006

  31. its like those who scored below 300mks haven’t been selected, please help them

  32. Peres Nambachi Avatar
    Peres Nambachi

    My daughter Kimberly Shullermith Temuco was index number 23574150018 was called to join Nangina Girls High School in Busia,but letter not available at all. Is possible for my daughter to get a School in Nairobi coz the distance from Nairobi to Busia may affect my working hours please help. Kindly expedite

  33. jackeline Ogutu Avatar
    jackeline Ogutu

    my daughter got 272 marks and has not received a calling letter.Her index was 44717125036

  34. Siasa Juma Madzitsa Avatar
    Siasa Juma Madzitsa

    My daughter of index number 02105226008 got 279 marks in her kcpe examination but was selected for admission at Ngala school for the deaf even though she is normal.I kindly request for your assistance.

  35. Stellamaris Muli Avatar
    Stellamaris Muli

    my sister got 294 and she did not get a school,kindly help us please.
    Her index number is 12314146012

    1. Is the placement not over, the reply is that the index is not found

  36. how do those who are asking for form one vacancies in the county schools where they are not admitted getting admission letters

  37. David Kimunyan Avatar
    David Kimunyan

    which email address is required?

  38. When will the national school calling letters be in the link?It permanently responds no records found!Kindly

  39. Winstar Lengen Avatar
    Winstar Lengen

    Hello my son got 342marks he didn’t get any school

    1. Hello,
      Kindly wait for ongoing county selection and confirm on Monday 10th December 2018 Regards.

  40. Hello,
    My daughter got 295 marks in KCPE and haven’t received a school yet. Kindly help.
    Her index no. Is 20408149208
    Thank you.

    1. Hello,
      Kindly wait for ongoing county selection and confirm on Monday 10th December 2018 Regards.

    2. Charles Kieti Avatar
      Charles Kieti

      Hello Rosyllyn,
      Which county did your daughter school? the first question is that,
      next you need to visit form one selection at the ministry of education

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