September 19th 2015 Alexa rankings places as the top ranked local website in Kenya. has overtaken which has consistently remained as the top alexa ranked website for a period of years.
Web traffic data also indicate that is the fastest rising website in Kenya. Barely 2 months ago Citizen TV was not even among the top 100 ranked local websites in Kenya. It fast rise is attributed to the redesign of its website and the incorporation of a new social media team.
In-terms of Global rankings Citizen tops in Kenya. As at September 19th data, Standardmedia is ranked 9,659 globally , is ranked 8,846 globally while is ranked 7,500 globally which puts it on top in Kenya.
37.2% of the traffic that gets originate from Facebook while 13.3% originate from google search. On the other hand, Standardmedia gets most of its traffic 16.5% from facebook while gets most of its traffic 18.3% from Google search. This places at a better position in terms SEO while is placed better interms of social media performance.
Website load speed for the three media websites website load speed
Mobile : 73%
Desktop: 71% website load speed
Mobile : 55%
Desktop: 60% website load speed
Mobile : 73
Desktop: 35%
Citizen tv website is the fastest loading website among the three on both mobile and desktop which explains why it is recording a good performance. It should be noted that in 2010, Google announced that website speed will be included in its search ranking algorithms (Read more about this here). In this case Citizen tv website gets an advantage because of its fast load speed.
Citizen tv has in the month of September recoded an increase in the download of its website mobile application.It should also be noted that is the only website among the three that has its site’s metrics certified.
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