4 Environment-Friendly Bags Alternatives to Beat Plastic Ban in Kenya

Kraft Paper Bags in Kenya

With the plastic ban in Kenya being effected on 28th August, you may wonder what options you have in regards to carrying your shopping or grocery. Here are some environmentally-friendly options that won’t hurt your pocket.


Cloth Bags

Cloth Bags to avoid plastic ban in Kenya
Environmental Friendly Cloth Bags/Photo



As the name implies, these are bags made from cloth. While they have been around for some time, they were not as popular as the polythene bags. They are not only strong but also reusable. Another advantage is that they are washable, meaning their reuse period is considerably longer.

Kiondo/Sisal Bags

Kiondo/Sisal Bags in kenya
Kiondo/Sisal Bags In Kenya/Photo

These were the default carriers for our grandmothers before plastic papers came about and almost chocked us. Made from sisal fibre and leather, these bags are not only durable but also aesthetic. Expert weavers can make them into any imaginable shape, ranging from ladies’ handbags to duffel-like bags. In addition to sisal, the bags can be made from dry banana fibres.


Kraft Paper Bags

Kraft Paper Bags in Kenya
Kraft Paper Bags in Kenya

Mostly made from wood pulp, these bags are a popular alternative to plastic papers in shopping stores in countries such as Rwanda, where the use of paper bags is banned. While they may not be as durable as plastic bags, they are reusable and easily biodegradable.


Reed Baskets

Reed Baskets in kenya
Reed Baskets in kenya

Made from reeds, these are stronger and more rigid. They are more popular in rural places where they are used to carry and/or store grains, cooked food, among other items. They are durable and can be customized for other uses such as the insulated food carrier than keeps food warm for hours.


Do not miss all our latest updates on best environmental friendly bags to use in Kenya to comply with the plastic ban directive.


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