2015 Top 100 most influential university students in Kenya nominations

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Top 100 Universities in KenyaWelcome to the 2015 top 100 most influential campus students in Kenya nominations. In 2014, we released a list of the top 100 most influential students in Kenya and there were a lot of complains about the criteria we used to compile the list. Therefore, this year we will make the grading criteria open to the public from the first step to the last step.

Here is how to go about the nominations;

  • Nominate by commenting with the full names (Nominee Name), university and role of what the nominee does (on the review section). You can also include the twitter handle of the nominee.
  • Just Click submit your nomination TO NOMINATE the student that you believe is influential in or out of your campus. One nomination for an individual is enough.
  • You can also nominate through our sms or whatsapp number +254720680341 if you can’t access the nomination comment section below
  • We encourage nominating student leaders, club leaders, student bloggers, campus entrepreneurs and inspiring individuals in campus.



Step 1

Nomination process:This process will close on 20th Friday February 2015.

Step 2

List of the nominated students will be put on the public for voting: This process will close on 27th February 2015

Step 3

We will rank the top 100 most influential students according to the number of votes received by 1strd Sunday March 2015.


N/B  ensure you have clicked on any of the numbers written 1-5 if you are accessing this page with your mobile phone and stars if your are accessing with your desktop for your nomination to go through. The numbers are used for rating purposes and are necessary.

  • Provide a minimum of two sentences describing the nominee in the review section.



List of top 100 most influential students in Kenya 2015 will be announced through our campus news Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/Kenyayote and twitter handle @Kenyayote1 on 1strd Sunday March 2015.

We want to thank everybody for making Kenyayote the top ranked 2014 campus news website in Kenya

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