Anyone can write for us or submit an article for free. However, there are some guidelines that your submitted article should follow for it to be approved for publication.
Article Submission Guidelines
- Uniqueness: Your article must be original. It should not have been published anywhere on the web or in print.
- Article Length: Your article must have a minimum of 600 words. The longer the article, the better.
- Article byline: If you do not include the author’s name, we will use Guest Blogger as the author’s name.
- Article Type: Your article must be informational, not promotional, self-marketing, or commercial
- Article Topic: Your topic should be educational as that is the main niche of our website.
Other important Rules
- You are not allowed to republish articles published on
- Your article will be edited to comply with our editorial policies.
- We will use an image of our choice that is related to your content (as a featured image).
- You will not be able to edit the post once it has been published. However, you can email us for grammatical corrections.
- We do not accept AI-Generated articles
How to Submit Your Article
- To submit your article, email us at
- The subject of your email should be “Article Publishing”
- We will review your article and notify you if it has been published or rejected.
- The draft article should be in Word Doc or pdf.
Important! You must write a draft article that may or may not be published on Kenyayote. We totally understand that it is waste of time to write a 600+ words article that may not be published. However, we cannot promise to publish an article that we have not seen its draft.
Payment: If we publish your article on our website, do not expect payment. We have our in-house writers. This is an opportunity to let thousands of our readers learn about your writing skills, service, or product.