KUCCPS completed placement of students after second revision. Although a few students who did second revision were not placed, the process is now closed and if you need to be considered for placement you have to make special arrangement with KUCCPS. The next step is admission and the ball has shifted from KUCCPS to respective universities and colleges.
![how to receive your university admission letter and helb application process](https://kenyayote.co.ke/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/how-to-receive-your-university-admission-letter-and-helb-application-process.png)
Receiving admission letters
Not long ago, all Universities and Colleges used to send admission letters and other admission details though postal address. However, with digital revolution things have changed. Almost 90% of public and private universities do not send admission letters vial posta. All you have to do is to download them online through their admission or student portal.
At the moment, some universities have already processed admission details and they are ready available for download. But most public universities have not updated their admission letters for download.
Check this page for Universities and Colleges that have their admission letters ready for download: KUCCPS Admission Letters
Helb Application
After, receiving your admission letters, you can start applying for helb loan. We have provided a procedure on how to apply for helb loan for first time applicants in this page (How to apply for HELB). You should however note that HELB loan will be available months later after you have reported to campus. You should therefore make personal arrangements on how you will clear your school fees ahead of admission.
I hope this was helpful! Do not miss all our latest admission and intake updates.
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