Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) registered voters in Kenya 2017: These statistics answers questions like what is the number of registered voters in each county? What is the number of registered voters in CORD and jubilee strongholds? What is the number of registered voters in Rift Valley, Nyanza, Nairobi, central, coast, western, and eastern, and number of registered voters among Kikuyu, Akamba, Meru, Embu, Tharaka, Mbere, Gusii, Kuria, Luhya, Mijikenda, Maasai, Samburu, Kalenjin, Luo, Swahili, Pokomo, Segeju, Taveta, Taita, Teso, Turkana, Elmolo, Njemps, Marakwet, Tugen, Pokot, Elkony, Kipsigis, Rendille, Somali, Boran, Gabbra, Orma and boni tribes e.t.c
UPDATE: For the final IEBC list of Registered voters released on 27th June 2017, kindly check this page: Final Register breakdown
Presidential elections in Kenya are won by ethnic coalition or groupings. The more the number of registered voters your tribe has the more likely that you will emerge the winner. Find below an analysis of the same
Registered Voters Per County
- Mombasa County: 408,747 voters
- Kwale County: 174,443 voters
- Kilifi County: 336, 132 voters
- Tana River County: 79, 454 voters
- Lamu County: 52,346 voters
- Taita Taveta County: 113, 862 voters
- Garissa County: 115,202 voters
- Wajir County: 118091 voters
- Mandera County: 120768 voters
- Marsabit County: 104, 615 voters
- Isiolo County: 54462 voters
- Meru County: 487265 voters
- Tharaka-Nithi: 155,487 voters
- Embu County: 227,286 voters
- Kitui County: 324, 673 voters
- Machakos County: 445096 voters
- Makueni County: 298221 voters
- Nyandarua County: 255,984 voters
- Nyeri County: 356,381 voters
- Kirinyaga County: 265,290 voters
- Muranga County: 452,841 voters
- Kiambu County: 862,829 voters
- Turkana County: 132,885 voters
- West Pokot County: 120,986 voters
- Samburu County: 61,114 voters
- Trans Nzoia county: 244,640 voters
- Uasin Gishu County: 330,630 voters
- Elgeyo/Marakwet: 134, 568 voters
- Nandi County: 263, 264 voters
- Baringo County: 173,653 voters
- Laikipia County: 173, 905 voters
- Nakuru County: 695,318 voters
- Narok County: 211,835 voters
- Kajiado County: 304,346 voters
- Kericho County: 248,735 voters
- Bomet County: 252,358 voters
- Kakamega County: 510,631 voters
- Vihiga County: 202,822 voters
- Bungoma County: 410, 462 voters
- Busia County: 251,305voters
- Siaya County: 311,919 voters
- KisumuCounty: 385,820 voters
- Homabay County: 325,826 voters
- Migori County: 283,862 voters
- Kisii County: 412, 945 voters
- Nyamira County: 219,358 voters
- Nairobi County: 1,630, 988 voters
- Diaspora County: 2637 voters
Registered Voters per province and Registered Voters Per tribe in Kenya after mass voter registration have been updated below. What is available above is the number of registered voters before mass voter registration.
Registered Voters after Mass Voter Registration
The preliminary reports from the field show that 3,782,089 applications for new registration were received by the Commission. This represents 62% of the upper target of 6 million voters but 95% of the 4 million lower target. It is important to note that these are not final figures.
Top Registered Counties according to the latest data of IEBC in Feb 2017 Mass voter registration
- NAIROBI CITY 461,346
- KIAMBU 225,995
- NAKURU 175,756
- MERU 169,803
- MOMBASA 141,686
- KILIFl 123,866
- MACHAKOS 114,320
- KAKAMEGA 114,126
- MURANG’A 101,724
- UASIN GISHU 100,346
These counties registered more than 100,000 applications with Nairobi leading with
461,346. Taking into account the registration of voters after the 2013 General Election, the Commission projects that approximately 5.2 million new voters will be added on the voters roll. But this will be the case after a proper cleaning and verification process.
UPDATE: For the final IEBC list of Registered voters released on 27th June 2017, kindly check this page: Final Register breakdown
The above statics were derived from the Independent Electoral boundaries commission (IEBC) official website . Iebc latest mass voters registration per county updates will be published here before the end of this week
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