KNEC Portals are used for exam registration and access, upload of candidate’s data, confirmation of registration details and getting of exam results online. The most popular portal is that of KCSE and KCPE but there are others that we have listed below
What is KNEC ?
Kenya National Examination Council (KNEC) is a body responsible for setting and maintaining examination standards in the country. The body conducts primary, secondary, technical, college and other national exams in Kenya.
KNEC also has the mandate of processing and releasing national examination results to the candidates
Through the body’s Portal students can be able to register for exams online.
List of KNEC Portals
Below is a list of all KNEC portals that are used for different national examination registration:
- KCSE and KCPE KNEC portal website (
- Diploma Teacher Education (DTE) knec portal website (
- Primary Teacher Education (PTE) KNEC Portal website (
- Early Childhood Development Education (ECDE) KNEC portal website (
- Teacher Certificate in Adult Education (TCAE) KNEC Portal website (
- Special Needs Education (SNE) KNEC Portal website (
- BTEP KNEC portal website (
- Business Exam Registration KNEC Portal website (
- Business Management exams (BMGT) KNEC portal website )
- Technical Exams Registration KNEC Portal website (
- Grade 3 knec portal:
- KNEC Exam monitoring Portal website (
- KNEC Examiner portal (Supervisor, invigilators, marking):
How to access the KNEC portal for KCPE and KCSE
For one to access the KNEC portal for registration of candidates, you have to create an account with a user name which is in this case the school core or examination center code.
In the current registration process, the school code which used to be a six-digit number is now eight after county code number was added to the center code.
With this center code, you will need a password to access the system and it can be obtained by sending an SMS in this format, KCPE#schoolcode to 22262 for KCPE and KCSE#schoolcode for KCSE.
An SMS with the password will be sent which you will use to log in.
Head of schools are advised to change the password as the option is given to add security measures on who can access the school account.
How to register KCSE and KCPE Candidates
- The head teachers and authorized persons are required to visit the KNEC portal website to
- At the website they are to download the application form for candidates registration
- The downloaded form should be filled with candidates details to create a registration file
- The head teacher or the authorized personnel should go back to the login page and upload the registration file.
- He or she is then required to click on the ‘new candidate’ button to register new candidates.
- The authorized person should click the ‘edit existing candidates’ button to fill the required school details.
Learn about Grade 3 Registration guideline.
NOTE: Guidelines on how to use other portals listed above other than KCSE and KCPE portal will be provided in different posts.
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