How to install and use ekasneb Android app without errors

How to install and use e-Kasneb Android app without errors

The e-Kasneb android mobile application available on Google play store gives KASNEB students an opportunity to pay for Course registration, Renewal, Examinations etc. Below is a simple guide on how to download, install and use the ekasneb app without errors

How to install and use e-Kasneb Android app without errors
How to install and use e-Kasneb Android app without errors; E-wallet, registration and payment procedure/Photo

How to use e-Kasneb Android app without errors

Step 1: Registration

  1. Visit e-kasneb on Google play store, download and install the app on your smartphone.
  2. Select sign-up and fill in the details.
  3. Wait for the activation code via sms/email.
  4. Log in using the email address and password created.
  5. (a) Choose student with a registration number option to log in for existing student OR
  6. (b) Choose new student option for students registering with Kasneb for the first time.

Step 2: Choose service required and confirm amount payable

  1. On the e-kasneb app select service required on the icon – For example select examination.
  2. Follow the instructions to generate the invoice.

Step 3: To load e-wallet

  1. Go to M-pesa menu and select lipa na M-pesa.
  2. (a) Use pay-bill no 832222.
    (b) Account No. your mobile telephone number
  3. Enter amount.
  4. Enter your M-pesa pin number.

Step 4: To complete the transaction

  1. Go back to ekasneb app. (mobile or web)
  2. Pay now:
    (a) Enter your mobile number.
    (b) Enter your e-wallet pin.
    (c) Pay as appropriate.
  3. Continue with the instruction provided including the selection of the examination centre.
  4. Download the timetable from the resource menu.

For more information visit the official kasneb website:

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One response

  1. Kenneth cheruiyot Avatar
    Kenneth cheruiyot

    my registration to e kasneb failed just keeping showing me am registered while i haven’t .remove the registered account for me

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