Repaying HELB Loans is on of the best decision that you will ever make to avoid avoid accruing fines or penalties and rising interest rates. If you are confused on where to start from below is a simple procedure on how to repay your helb loan through mpesa paybill number 200800.
How to repay HELB Loan through Mpesa Paybill 200800
- First step is to call HELB through +254711052000 (or use these contacts) and let them know that you want start repaying your HELB Loan to avoid monthly penalties of Ksh. 5,000. If you don’t notify them, they will keep fining you.
- To get started with repaying
- Go to your Safaricom menu
- Select Lipa na Mpesa
- Go to Paybill menu
- Enter business number (Enter paybill number 200800)
- Then click on account number and enter your ID number (Your National ID number is you account number)
- Enter the amount you would like repay (ideal minimum of ksh. 1,000)
- Enter your mpesa pin and proceed
- You will receive a confirmation sms
- That is it
You can repay any amount you want every month until you finish paying.
NOTE: It will take 2 working days for the transaction to reflect in your statement
NOTE: If you want to repay using direct bank transfer and other modes kindly check the procedure in this page: Repaying HELB Loan via bank
Benefits of Repaying HELB Loan
- Avoid fines: One year after you have graduated, HELB will start fining you Ksh. 5,000 each month. For a year they will have fined you ksh. 60,000 plus other charges.
- You will get a HELB clearance certificate: If you want to apply for a government job you have to provide this document.
- Build a good credit history: This will make it easier for you to borrow money
- You will enable other needy students to enjoy their studies as you did.
- You will become a good citizen
NOTE: If you need Helb loan remittance form kindly use the contacts above
Helb repayment Contact email:Â
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