Most re-known artists confess that making it in the entertainment industry is not a walk in the park. One has to work extra hard and dedicate most of their time to work especially in the earlier stages. It is a competitive industry that is not meant for the faint hearted. Before you start out on that journey, here is a check list that you might need:
Find a mentor
Everyone has someone they look up to in their field of specialization. Get someone who believes in you,someone in the industry and probably in the same genre as you. This is the individual who can hold your hand and take you through the In’s and out’s of the industry. You will need them as you grow and they will help you make important decisions.Remember your mentor can either build you or destroy you.
Get your name out there
Be part of a singing group in your locality, sing in your church or even perform in events organized by family members and friends. Whatever it takes to showcase your talent and get your name out there, do it. Do it for free,money will come along the way. Just work on building your portfolio.Soon enough people will be booking to have you perform in their events. Have your eyes fixed on the bigger picture.
Be yourself
Avoid mimicking but rather focus your energy on your uniqueness. Identify your niche and focus
on it. What works for someone else might not necessarily work for you. When you are yourself, everything fall into place with ease.
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